The Printing Press

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The Printing Press

The Printing Press


The printing industry is very dynamic and one of the rapidly growing industries in the world. At the same time its development is rapid, despite the enormous success of more rapidly developing information industry, and even, perhaps, in spite of its development. However, printing is already integrated into it and being an important part of information and communications industry (Man & John,2002). This industry if not extremely fast but rapidly absorbing everything new that is created by mankind, realizing these gains in the publishing and printing technology. Therefore, this essay is mainly focusing on discussing the evolution of the printing press and finding the advancements of the technology within this industry. Periodically, it is emphasizing on finding out about new equipment, new technologies, and new software solutions for graphic arts and in a short time to see them on the printing and publishing enterprises in action.


Today it is clear that the development of information society, with the focus in the context of globalization and internationalization of markets requires improving the quality of publications (which is provided by the development of technology), to increase their brilliance (black and white editions are worthless), reducing the circulation (target group of consumers not unlimited) and reduce the time of publication (punctuality and compliance with the agreed short performance time is always appreciated, and now in particular). Reflection of the achievements of printing, that are witnessing, are constantly undergoing numerous international trade fairs, congresses, conferences, symposia, round tables and many other activities all over the world.

Historical Background

Printing in the fifteenth century was the method of reproduction text and images on paper or materials like, which comprises applying an ink, oil usually on pieces metal call types, to be transferred to paper by pressure.

Modern Printing History

Between 1041 and 1048, Bi Sheng invented in China, where there was already a type of rice paper, the first set of movable type, to Complex based on porcelain that were carved with Chinese characters, the biggest problem which the Chinese faced was that there were huge amount of characters that were required for writing. Until 1449 and even in later years, the books were disseminated in manuscript copies by copyists, many of whom were monks and friars dedicated to prayer and replica copies on behalf of the clergy themselves or of kings and nobles. Despite popular belief, not all monks' copyists were literate (Eisenstein, 2005). Performing the function of copyists, imitators of signs that often not understand which was essential for copying banned books. The illustrations and capital letters were decorative and artistic product itself copyist, which decorated each copy that performed according to taste or vision. Each of its work could take up to ten years. The printing press was invented by the Chinese centuries ago, but in the High Middle Media was used in Europe to publish pamphlets or political advertising, labels, and work a few leaves, for it is working on the text in hollow a wooden board, including the drawings ...
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