Theories Of Personality

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Theories of Personality

Theories of Personality

Determinism versus free will

Determinism is the theory that the sequence of events and phenomena is due to the principle of causality this relationship may sometimes be described by a physic-mathematical basis while the predictive power of the latter. As the social sciences study both individual behavior and the behavior of systems formed by different individuals, there are forms of determinism claim that the overall system behavior is deterministic and more radical forms determinism that hold even at the individual level. Some authors, such as Marvin Harris, that are not strictly deterministic, have raised the possibility of a certain probability, by which the facts in themselves, that they are determined but, the probability of a social system evolves in one direction or another (John, 2007).

There are several theories about some form of determinism for the evolution of social systems. In general, these theories posit a weaker form of determinism, determinism does not justify having both the behavior of individuals could be deterministic, but that the structure and constraints of the systems are what they produce determinism even though individuals may be endowed with free will. The expression of free will depends on the evolution of every human being. At superficial, selfish desires arbitrary, it is the determinism works, according to its refer- this, law of cause and effect by cons, the level of feelings deep, at a higher level, that of intuition, it is free referee who controls the conduct.


The debate between those who believe that behavior is determined by external or internal factors that influence personality (determinism), and supporters of the opinion that people actively respond to events (free will). Faith in science as a direct way to understand is the argument usually determinists emanating from the premise that every event has a cause. The idea of "pure" free will implies that events occur by accident or without cause. It is believed that human behavior is not determined by external events (such as the formation of conditioned reflexes), but is determined by its decisions in accordance with the warehouse nature (soft determinism) (Steven, 2004).

Thus, free will is seen as any action that is free from external coercion. If you give your entire money passerby on the street, it can be seen as a sign of generosity, but in that case, if you keep a gun under the gun. Both actions are determined, but if the first is an act of free will, then the second - an act of coercion. Arguments in favor of free will remain the main argument related to the idea of moral responsibility. We must dispose of their actions, to be able to take responsibility for them. Such humanistic approaches such as psychotherapy, centered on the patient, based on the premise of free will. The therapist helps the patient to use free will in such a way as to dispose of their own free will with the utmost efficiency. The arguments against free will set the belief in free will ...
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