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Topic's Description

(A) Accountability and Role of the Maternity Support Worker

Sometimes known as maternity healthcare support workers, this staffs work under the supervision of qualified midwives and assist in the care of mothers and babies and plays an important in accountability processes. Accountability is the condition of having to answer, explain, or justify one's actions or beliefs to another. It often includes the possibility that you will be held responsible and punished if your acts cannot be justified, or rewarded if your actions are justified.

The mere presence of others is likely responsible for many of the effects of accountability. Human beings are the only animals that participate in complex societies and cultures. Much of our success as individuals hinges on our ability to play by society's rules. Thus, people display a strong need to belong and want to be evaluated positively by others in the group. Those who do so are more likely to reap the positive benefits inherent in group living. When others are in our presence, we have a sense that our behavior is being evaluated. This increases our sense of accountability and results in increased adherence to unspoken social rules and laws outlined by culture.

Accountability is a composite of numerous factors: being held responsible for one's actions, presence of another, being identifiable as an actor, evaluation by an audience, and providing validation for one's behavior. Maternity support workers (MSWs) have a range of responsibilities which will vary, depending on the exact role. These will be done under supervision of a qualified midwife, and would usually include such tasks as:

* taking blood samples for testing

* making routine observations (such as temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and breathing)

* maintaining accurate records and other administrative duties

* maintaining stock levels of stationary and equipment

* participating in parent education (this could be on a group or individual basis)

* preparing equipment

* clearing up after sessions

They work in a variety of settings including:

* in the community

* acute post-natal wards

* maternity theatre

* delivery suite

* midwifery led units.

They need to be able to cope with emergency situations as well as more straightforward labour.

Nevertheless, accountability is a multifaceted phenomenon. Therefore, its effect on behavior can vary from situation to situation. First of all, the presence of others is not entirely necessary for people to feel accountable. People can feel accountable if they simply believe they will be evaluated and have to justify their decisions.

Social loafing occurs when the individual members of a group perform at a lower level than they would if they were to perform the task alone. The performance of a group is often measured as the final output of the group rather than individual output. In this lowaccountability situation, individuals decrease their own effort in the hopes that others in the group will pick up the slack. Nevertheless, this is only true when individual performance is not measured. If members of a group are told that their individual performance will be assessed, ...
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