Tour Brochures

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Explain why the brochure is so important to the tour operator in marketing their product. What should be included in the brochure?

Explain why the brochure is so important to the tour operator in marketing their product. What should be included in the brochure?


Brochure is a standard communication tool of tourism, being one of the most important and used. It contains information on different places, businesses, attractive with the objective of promoting them, since development of promotion strategy is a critical element of tourism marketing. Travel brochures play a significant role in the success of a travel company, since with the help of these brochures it can endorse its services and reach potential customers more easily. The author of the study concludes, however, that prior perceptions of tourist destination to remain stronger than anything else about the decision to include or not in the journey. The brochures are necessary and practically essential to tourist destinations and businesses, attractions and activities in an area.


Brochures demonstrate the benefits that can offer an organization. Many tourism products are not material. Expressing them in print, brochures are the only "evidence" of a product, it is important to reflect the spirit of the booklet and the quality of experience. Places trips and tours are particularly difficult to advertise without printed matter, explaining that it was offered. The researchers report that women are more likely than men to be influenced positively by this form of advertising. They make the same observation segment median age of people with lower incomes. For more remote destinations or less popular, even for organizations with limited means, confirming the effectiveness of the traditional brochure is good news. The relatively low cost of production and distribution make it accessible to all stakeholders. The important thing is to capitalize on its two major assets, its simplicity and colorful look, as well as places relevant distribution.

Brochure is one of the most effective communication and advertising tools that exist on the Internet market. 90% of Internet users regularly use email for personal communication but also in trade. Brochures are one of the least-cost ways to increase the number of orders and relationships with customers. High quality email campaigns can deliver high performance and manage customer relationships. Brochure campaigns to be truly effective must be properly managed and management in a professional manner.

We can say that for small business brochure is the Uniform of communication used to promote their activities, supplemented with additional materials, for consumers aware of their existence or value providing the good or service offered. When the time of making decisions, the consumption of goods and services tourism visit destinations depend on the information found, on brochures. Research suggests that tourist's potential brochure comparing a destination or other offer brochures with competitors and is likely to best selling booklet cause, by representing the product, service or destination that consumers want or purchase.

Tour operators' main source of revenue at the time was commissions paid to them by the airlines on tickets ...
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