Usa And China

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USA and China

USA & China

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What is Power? It is a question that is asked by millions of individuals no matter if they are young or old, this question is frequently asked in schools, in a court and every where there is a powerful debate itself. Power is a concept which can relate to many circumstances and mediums. In simple words, a power is strength or a will power within a person or a group through which orders are made and accepted and obeyed by the ones to whom the orders are given. It is said that since the beginning of time, humans have argued, fought, struggled and battled in order to get and control power, and this fight of power has been going on for centuries and will remain till the end of times.

However, the following white paper will focus on whether the power from west has shifted to east, or to be precise, whether the China has become a more powerful country than the United States of America. This discussion will use both economical factors as well as natural factors in order to fully define the discussion at hand, and whether the statement at hand is true or not. How the Water crisis has effected and is affecting Chinas Power will also be discussed, and how China is struggling and has struggled for power will also be discussed with in the heading of ASEANS Regional Forum. The economical factors of the United States will also be discussed through which the United States has and is the most powerful country in the World.


A country is considered as powerful when it is able to generate enough income through which it can effectively defend itself and its people from threats within and outside the country. A country is also considered as powerful when it has the capability as well as the ability to effectively and efficiently provide each and every citizen with the most basic necessities and more without any compromise. So, one can conclude that power of a country is measured on many bases, and if these bases are effectively met, a country can be easily assumed to be powerful.

It should be noted that it is not hidden that the United States of America is the powerful country in the world, however, China has struggled and achieved so many things in this century, from technology to economy, each of the factors that makes a country powerful are present in China, however, as discussed above, that if a country cannot provide its citizens with the basic necessities, it is not a powerful country, China is unable to provide the majority of its population with the most basic necessity that is Water. Due to this water crisis that China is currently facing since many years, considering China as a powerful country is inappropriate (Bijian, 2005).

The United States of America and its Power

When it comes to current powerful countries or to be precise the most powerful country right ...
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