Values In Education Statement

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Values in education statement

Values in education statement


The paper discusses personal values, their importance, where they come from and how they are implemented in my profession as a teacher. My passion is to teach and transfer my knowledge and skills to others. It is a fact that values are learned from parents, teachers and they are particularly suitable in the preschools and early school years of a child when he is in his growing stage. (Gilbert, 2007, pp. 60)

Value is philosophy, character, or substance that a person perceives as having intrinsic worth. Each person has a personal hierarchy of values that may include achievement, wealth or monetary comfort, love/companionship, a sense of accomplishment or achievement, and of course, survival. When teacher gives time after school to assist a student, they may feel they have sacrificed their own needs to the needs of the student. At the same time, they are expected to have gained something for themselves-maybe a heightened sense of self-worth or the good feelings that come with the student's gratitude. Since values control a person's behaviors and preferences, they are worthy of discussion.


First, I believe that where there are values that most people agree upon, there is also an individual dimension of standards that is effectively unknowable, and perhaps even indescribable, because in the end, standards are finally intensely interior. Caring for others, for example, is a worth; so is the freedom to express our opinions. (Gilbert, 2007, pp. 60)

From where our children discover their values, perhaps from parents, teachers and religious leaders, but society has changed. Too often young people today are most leveraged by what they see and hear on TV or on the street. (Oakley, 2008, pp. 20)

What are your Values?

My values are the things that I believe are important in the way I live and work. They determine my priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures I use to tell if my life is turning out the way I want it to.

When the things that I do and the way I behave match my values, life is usually good - I am satisfied and content, but when these don't align with my values, that's when things feel... wrong.

Values are constructed from our life experiences: what we learned at home, in school, at work, and any place we have spent our time. Politics, religion and heritage can affect our values. Those nearest to us often influence our standards, they make us divert from our cultural and moral values by acting in an inappropriate manner.

What values are there in education?

The procedure of providing opportunities for the permanent development in all students and their knowledge, skills and attitudes related to certain values which lead to behaviour exhibiting those values. (Haller, 2001, pp. 34)

Seeking education is a great achievement and is one of the fastest growing approaches in the world, endorsed by teachers, school leaders and governments. (Gilbert, 2007, pp. 60)

Do your values match them?

My values match with the values in ...
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