Vernacular Architecture

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Vernacular Architecture


Vernacular Architecture is a term used to categorize methods of construction which use locally available resources and traditions to address local needs and circumstances. In order to understand the structure and foundation of excerpts for understanding the accounts of vernacular architecture, we shall be analyzing the reputation and establishment of all buildings and foundations that are laid and upon which the buildings have been carved. Also the paper seeks to gain attention of individuals for the purpose and objective of understanding and comprehending the ebbs and flows of such architectures and pertains to identify the overall impact of 'vernacular architecture' on the 'infrastructural development of buildings'.


Vernacular Architecture4

Research Question4

Literature Review5



Vernacular Architecture


Vernacular studies typically freighted the observation of everyday landscape with another agenda, the location of nationalist identity. The search for the geographic origins of British identity commenced with Nasse's Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages and Enclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England (1871), followed upon by Sir Henry Maine's Village Communities in the East and West and Seebohm's English Village Community, which traced an undisturbed legacy of Roman political organization in the fields around Hitchin. Both promised that in understanding the shape of ordinary villages, some sacred format of community identity would be disclosed.

A. G. Bradley's Highways and Byways in South Wales (1903) claimed to delineate the line of Norman conquest through Pembrokeshire, across which there was “no social trafficking, no inter-marriage, no sympathy of any kind to speak of” for eight centuries. In the unchanging British countryside, they located the materials for a nationalist history of British identity.

Research Question

The research question undertaken for this particular paper shall be 'Restoration, maintenance and preservation of Vernacular Architecture in the 21st century'.

Literature Review

Even the walking radicals contributed to this discourse. Randall, for example, asserted with Hilaire Belloc the definite continuity of English institutions since the pre-Roman canton. Belloc even argued that common law had come down untarnished: a native spirit was in dissociable from the soil. Randall contested this notion, and explained English culture rather as a montage: “Our art is part of the general European culture… Our faith is official Christianity, a Hellenized and Latinized form of an Oriental religion in its many forms or aberrations. On the other hand, our language is not Roman, but Teutonic in grammatical structure and in the common words. The birth of the Vernacular Architecture Group was bound more tightly to these nationalist politics than to the radical ones embraced by Hoskins and Beresford. It was for such reasons of an “unduly prominent” obsession with national identity that architecture students at the University of Manchester began a survey of vernacular building types during World War Two. Those documenting the types of popular architecture were frequently motivated by nationalist identity politics, the historic preservation movement, and the interests of architecture schools (Abdoul, 2003).

In 1952, the British Vernacular Architecture Group was founded to moot the concerns of the method's growing body of followers. Following the model of the radical walkers, the VAG ...
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