World War II

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World War II

The great crisis of 1929-1932 has created deep social and psychological transformation in Europe and beyond. The Value disorientation of many social groups led to their alienation from the basic principles that forms of political consciousness, which is established on the continent as a result of the French Revolution. As a result, democracy is no longer perceived as the best way to political organization of society, becoming more popular authoritarian and even totalitarian type of government. In some countries, the tendency to radical and violent methods of solving domestic and foreign policy issues (racism, terrorism, military aggression). Grouping of the fascist states (Japan, Germany, and Italy) launched a struggle for the redistribution of the world. In the post-crisis conditions Powers that dominated the world political scene after the First World War (U.S., UK, and France), were unable to respond adequately to this challenge. (Polenberg & Richard, Pp. 102-112)

In 1931 there was a military center in the Far East when Japan, a country with a long militarist tradition, the beginning of open hostilities against China. September 18, 1931 their troop invaded Manchuria (Northeast China) and occupied it, on the occupied territories has been created puppet state of Manchukuo. Attempting to continue Japan's aggression in the south (Shanghai) evoked a strong protest to the U.S. (January 7, 1932). February 24, 1933 League of Nations demanded that Japan withdraw its troops out of Manchuria. In response, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, 13 December 1934 she denounced the Washington Agreement in 1922, which settled the size of the naval forces of the great powers and guarantee the inviolability of the territory of China.

The aggressive expansionist policies of Nazi Germany, led the radical overhaul of the situation following the Paris Conference of 1919, had the support of totalitarian and expansionist powers such as Japan and Italy. The rapid defeat of France left the United Kingdom only to Hitler for a short period of time. The entry of the USSR and U.S. alongside the Allies in 1941 permanently unbalanced war in their favor. An alliance "against nature" of democratic and capitalist great powers and the Soviet dictatorship ended the imperialist desires of the fascist and totalitarian systems.

With the German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 by Adolf Hitler's long-planned war for "Lebensraum in the East." In Germany, he sparked the beginning of the war, despite the massive Nazi propaganda, especially from oppression. Many people looked anxiously into the future; most adults were the memories of the disastrous consequences of the First World War still had a presence. (Daniel, Pp. 886-911)

The Second World War was a conflict that lasted nearly armed worldwide between 1939 and 1945. In1939, Hitler broke the 2 World War II from the fence. The principal belligerents were the one hand, Germany, Italy and Japan, called the Axis powers, and the other Allied powers, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union and to a lesser extent, China. The war was in many ways a consequence, after ...
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