A Rose For Emily

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A Rose For Emily


William Faulkner's "Rose for Emily" is a very complicated story. This story was Faulkner's "first sale story for National Journal: Forum" (Skei, 84). Faulkner, born in Mississippi, began to build his fictional chronicle of Yoknapatawpha County, (that) is often based directly on the history of Lafayette County (Inge, 136). This installation of "Roses for Emily." In addition, Faulkner based the character of Colonel Satoris to his great-grandfather, Colonel William Clark Falkner (Inge, 136). Colonel William Clark Falkner was a literary reputation as well. He wrote The White increased of Memphis "(Inge, 136). However, the talent Faulkner was not inherited. "He was befriended by a young lawyer named Phil Stone, Oxford, Yale graduate and a man several cultural literary taste, which will give him one of the first reading material that will define his talent" (Inge, 136). Faulkner began writing poetry, the novels, and then stories. When the forum bought "Rose for Emily", Faulkner, he gave encouragement to continue writing stories. The Rose for Emily "may not be the best short article of Faulkner, but the characteristics of it is valid to do this well known story. In "Rose for Emily" Faulkner attaches great importance to the three distinct elements: characterization, symbolism, and theme. Each of them will help explain the story of a very bright, almost to the point you can feel part of it.


Characteristic is very important element in the "Rose for Emily." The protagonist of the history of Miss Emily. Antagonists of the story Miss Emily's father, community pharmacist, and the new Elders. There are also some flat characters that Homer, the old lady Wyatt, Colonel Satoris, Justice Stevens, a minister and his wife. vivid description of Faulkner's Miss Emily at different times of his life shows how it has changed over the years and makes the story easier to understand. Miss Emily is described at some time in their lives. At one time (about two years after the death of his father), she is described as "a small, stout woman in black ... Her skeleton was small and spare, maybe that's why it would be just the completeness of the other was obese in her . She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and that a pale shade. ... Her eyes looked like two little parts of coal pressed into a chunk of dough ... "(Faulkner 282-283). Thus, it is understood that Miss Emily, at this point, short and thick. In addition, at the same point, her voice is described as "cold and dry" (Faulkner 283). Dry means not sufficient water. This can be compared and because of Miss Emily, not having enough contact with other people and not feeling loved or needed. Chill in parallel with the winter season and in winter is the last of the four seasons. Miss Emily is now in the last season or the winter of her life. Just two words that describe her voice shows a lot about Miss Emily at this point ...
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