Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Keith Dinnie. Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice. Taylor & Francis. 2007. Keith Dinnie's book is both relevant and timely in the context of how different companies do their branding. Dinnie, is an associate professor at Temple University and explains the intricate details related to the topic of nation branding and depictss how different countries can apply the management techniques of conventional branding. A lot of information is given on the nature and context of nation branding, and this book makes an important contribution to the literature on the topic of nation branding.

Dan Ariely. Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. HarperCollins. 2010. This book relates to treatment of a condition which is named as the decision-making biases by behavioral economists and psychologists. The books explains the dynamics of how the economic man who utilizes utility is known as the target of the model of economics that is traditional. It is a good book and gives information about the different elements of the marketing mix, placing emphasis on pricing as the main factor which is examined most closely. The books states informs that advertising is the factor which is examined least closely.

Culbertson Hugh, Chen Ni. International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis. Routledge, 1996. This book provides its readers with theoretical foundation in the context of public relations. The book covers the topic of international relations in particular regions and regions. However, the only country which is discussed from the region of Middle East is Saudi Arabia. This book is very useful because it provides meaningful insight to those studying and researching on the topic of international public relations.

Barbara Miller. How To Quit Smoking Even If You Don't Want To. Trafford Publishing 2000. This book places focus on the fact that many smokers are reluctant to trying new things, and do not make efforts to quit smoking. Some people think that a quit smoking program is related to, charts, scare tactics, preaching and graphs. This book provides a concrete plan to smokers that depicts exactly why quitting is too hard and gives solutions to solve this problem.

Harvey Farr. "Smart PR The Future of Marketing." This article describes that PR is now the future of marketing and the author explains how it has been considered as a poor stepchild to the concept of advertising. The article gives examples on how the PR is used in marketing ...
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