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The Classical Ideal

Ancients Athens' 'Classical Ideal' relates to the excellence standard suggested by ancient Rome and Greece Cultures, which started in Greece's Golden Age. The Greeks in the ancient times had desired to flawlessness within both mind and body, and wanted a mixture of both the poles of reason and passion. They were capable of exercising the perfection value of body through athletic behaviors. By architecture, mathematics, history, logic, law, drama, poetry, government and philosophy they were capable of expressing their craving for the mind perfection. By human forms artistic portrayal the Greeks and Romans attempted for achieving a mixture of reason and passion (Strickland, Pp. 12-15).

Golden Age

5th century Athens is the Athens' Greek city state from 480-404 B.C. It is referred to as the era of Athenian cultural flourishing, economic growth, and political hegemony in earlier times acknowledged as 'The Age of Perciles' or 'Golden Age of Athens'. The era started in 480 B.C. the time when the alliance of city states lead by Athenians identified as Deliam League at Salamis conquered the Persians. With the passage of time in the 5th century the process, which began like an independent city-states coalition progressively turned into an empire of Athenians. Athens, eventually discarded the facade of uniformity amongst its associates and repositioned the treasure of the Delian League to Athens from Delos, where the Athens financially backed the Athenian Acropolis's construction. Having their foes below their feet and their political fortunes directed by orator Pericles and statesman, the Athens, within the Western tradition created come of the highly enduring and influential cultural works of art (Hurwit, Pp. 45-78).


Pericles was the general of the Athens during the Golden Age of the Study, an influential and a prominent Greek statesman, and an orator. From the historically influential and powerful Alcmaeonid family, Pericles got descended by his mother. On the Athenian society he had such an intense control that his contemporary historian (Thucydides) praised Pericles as Athens' first citizen. Even the Delian League was turned by Pericles in an empire of Athenians and the countrymen got led by Pericles in the Peloponnesian War's initial couple of years. The period, generally from 461-429B.C., gets termed as the 'Age of Pericles' (Hurll, Pp. 93).


Acropolis is an antique stronghold, which is situated on an elevated rocky projection on top of the Athens city and encompassing the ruins of a number of antique structures of historic importance and great architectural significance. The term 'acropolis' is derived from the 'akron' from the Greek language (which means extremity or edge); even though, within Greece there are a number of different acropolies, the importance of Athens' acropolis is such that Acropolis is usually referred to by the term 'The Acropolis' devoid of prerequisite (Rhodes, Pp. 28).


On the Athenian Acropolis, Greece 'The Parthenon' is a temple, which is devoted to Athena (The Greek Goddess) whom the Athens citizens believed as their virgin patron. In 447 B.C. the temple's construction started, and this was the time when the Empire ...
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