Assignment One

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Assignment One

Assignment One


This paper intends to discuss a change that the management of a clinic or hospital could manage to improve patient care. The change process will be implied for the purpose of enhancing the management of a nursing setting. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the importance of managing change within the health care settings. The change selected for the purpose of improvement of the care setting is related to the implementation of evidence based practice initiatives.


The process of nursing is known to be a procedure of science. The process of nursing basically starts with taking clinical judgments to provide a balance between research evidence present in the particular diseases and nurse's own personal understanding of the situations. Critical thinking has been given extreme importance in the field of nursing. The basic job description of health professionals is to provide the best possible care and environment to their patients which help them improve their conditions in a more rapid manner.

Problem Identification

The problem identified within the nursing process is the lack of implementation of evidence based practice in their daily routines. The evidence based practice approach is gaining importance in the field of health care as the time is moving. It has created several challenges for health professionals to be in touch with the updated information and practicing techniques. Everyday nursing practices are now requiring the need of applying evidence (LoBiondo, Haber, 2006).

Gaining Support

Gaining support is extremely important for the purpose of implementing the effective use of evidence based practice. However, there are instances when certain factors which hinder the quality care provision to the patients. Health professionals must be able to utilize evidence based practice along with their knowledge, experience and skills (Hussein, 2010).

Planned Change

The planned change is to implement the ...
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