Child Development Theories

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Child Development Theories

Child Development Theories


In Bowlby's theory, emphasis is on only a few aspects of child development, in particular, on the importance of emotional ties of the child with someone who cares about him. The question arises, how are we to understand the other peculiarities of the child, especially the emergence of the perception of themselves as individuals, that is, the emergence of knowledge that an individual is a separate entity, separate from the rest. In the first months of life the infant is almost not tell the difference between people, objects, their environment, and is not aware of itself. About two years, and sometimes in a later age, children do not use terms such as "I" ("I"), "I" ("Me") and "you." Only gradually did they come to understand that others have special features, consciousness and needs, do not coincide with their own.


The problem of identity is extremely controversial, it is viewed quite differently in opposing theoretical perspectives. To some extent this is due to the fact that the various theories of child development emphasize different aspects of socialization. American philosopher and sociologist George Herbert Mead paid attention mainly to the way children learn to use the concept of "I" and "me." Swiss researcher Jean Piaget, children's behavior was engaged in many aspects of children's development, but the most famous of his works are associated with cognitive development, with questions about how a child learns to think of himself and his environment.

Freud and psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud, the Viennese physician, who lived from 1856 to 1939, had a strong influence on the formation of modern psychology, and he was one of the greatest thinkers of the XX century. His ideas have had an impact on art, literature, philosophy, humanities and social sciences. Freud was not just an academic researcher of human behavior, he was involved in the practical treatment of neuroses. Psychoanalysis, he invented a therapeutic technique is to free text patient life, especially what he can remember about the earliest events. Freud came to the conclusion that most of our behavior is controlled by the unconscious, and that the behavior of an adult depends on those drives, which are formed in the very early stages of his life. Much of the experience of childhood is lost in our conscious memory, but this experience is the basis upon which the consciousness of man.

Personality development

According to Freud, the child - a being with needs, has an energy that can not control due to their helplessness. The child must learn that their needs and desires may not always be immediately satisfied, - and this is a painful process. According to Freud, the baby, in addition to the need for food and drink, is still a need for erotic satisfaction. Here Freud had in mind not the sexual instincts, which have older children or adults. The word "sexy" in this context means a universal need in the near and pleasant bodily contact with others. This idea is not far from the experimental findings and ...
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