Critical Review

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Critical Review

Critical Review


The critical review of an article will be carried out in this topic. The critical review would consist of several steps. The article was a small scale study that examined the impact of friendship groupings on students' motivation in the classrooms to engage with mathematics. The usage of statistics was carried with the help of questionnaires and individual interviews for explaining the motivational factors in the mathematics classes. The effect of the environmental factors for the student's understandings of the math's theme is quite high. There are research findings' which confirms many dimensions of motivation and also suggest gender differences in the study of the classroom relationships. The findings of the study had a review in the context of the mathematics' classrooms organized by the student's level of attainment. Therefore, this is the overall summary and a detailed critique would be carried out of the topic.


The main concept that was discussed in the article is the role of friendship grouping during the mathematics classroom. The friendship grouping during the mathematics classroom is not a general phenomenon in most of the schools but often used as an educational tool. The few minutes' conversation is also a regular practice under such situations. This plays a vital role in the overall training of the students. The study, was conducted in order to explore the usage of pedagogical strategies which includes regular, and, sustained energy. The researchers known as Hamm and Faircloth in 2005 proposed that motivation is usually subject specific. The main focus was on the students that belonged to the age group between 14 and 16. These students were working towards the final schooling examinations, and, considered as a necessary phase of schooling to carry out an investigation of the mathematics 'subjects. The other aspect was also to include those students, required to study until the end of compulsory education. The emotional aspect of the students was also assessed in detail. This was also important in order to understand the relationship between motivation and different kinds of emotions among students. Therefore, all these issues will be discussed in detail in the topic.


Theoretical Perspective

The concept of motivation is important for any person and it is not restricted to just one or two areas. There are many theories of motivation developed by the famous theorists in the past such as Herzberg, Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow etc. This entire theorist had their contribution in the concept of motivation. This is the reason why the theories of the motivation were mentioned in the article in order to provide an overview of this important concept. The particular reference was given to the researchers such as Ryan, Deci, Pintrich and Schunk. All these four researchers in the past have analyzed the significance of motivation to a very large extent. Their analysis was important to explain the overall importance of motivation for the people. They also quoted examples while highlighting vital aspects related to motivation.

The second theoretical part of the study included the ...
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