Cross Cultural Marketing

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Managing Advertising and Communication in NPOs: A Cross Cultural Comparison in UK

Table of Content



Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs)2

NPOs in UK3

Advertisement and Communication: Essential Areas for Managing NPO4

Multicultural United Kingdom6

Cross Cultural Advertisement and Communication Management in NPOs of UK7

Analyses of Different Elements of Culture & Foundations of Society8


Transparency & Accountability 9

Gender Discrimination9

Values & Norms10

Ethical Monochromes11



Managing Advertising and Communication in NPOs: A Cross Cultural Comparison in UK


Over the last 50 years the role of marketing in developing the non-profit organisations has been grown on a rapid pace, as organisations in a non-profit sector have understood the importance of it in developing the understanding between themselves and their customers or other stakeholders (Ahmed 2003, p.3). Advertisement and communication are the two parts of marketing, which are the most essential areas for any organisation to succeed. Similarly, non-profit organisations need to market themselves so that they can stand-out and create awareness regarding their cause. NPOs also need to do relationship marketing so that they can build trust and a lasting relationship with their target market. However, in a multicultural country managing marketing is really crucial as it has to cater all the cultures, without disrespecting any one of them. UK is multicultural country, where a vast range of sub-cultures such as Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Turks, Irish, Poles, Central European Jews, and Cypriots, and Albanians can be found (Ahmed 2003, p.3). Due to the cultural diversity presence in UK, mass marketing concept cannot be applied there. Therefore, the non-profit organisations present in UK needs to use relationship marketing in a manner that cater all the cultures present in Britain.

Different scholars have emphasised on understanding the minority subcultures and other cultural dimensions to marketing in order to achieve success. This is focused due to the increasing ethnic minority's purchasing power along with their cultural awareness and ethnic pride. Considering the challenge of this diversity presence, the organisations need to market themselves with the differentiation and segmentation strategies (Ahmed 2003, p.3). The vast numbers of NPOs present in UK manage their advertising and communication considering the strategies that caters the different sub-cultures and ethnic minorities in Britain.


Non-Profit Organisation (NPO)

Non-Profit Organisation, also called not-for profit organisation, is formed to benefit the common public, rather than accumulating profits for its individual members. NPOs are task oriented and run by people with common interests, performing various services concerned with humanitarian issues. These organizations are established not to make profit for its shareholders but in pursuit of public good. The funds that are collected by NPOs simply used to serve public and a portion of it goes in corporate accounts to pay the salaries and other expenses in order to run the organisation (Green, 2012, n.d). NPOs are established to make good changes not just in individual lives but the society as whole (Drucker, 2004, p.1).

Non-profit organization is tax exempted, as far as it works exclusively for public good. If the corporation starts using its funds for the personal benefit of its shareholders then it will be ...
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