Cultural Diversity In Organizations

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Cultural Diversity in Organizations

Cultural Diversity in Organizations


Diversity is an important issue for almost every organization in the today's world and also for all business climates. The workplaces have been growing far more diversified since the early 1960's, and also with important laws included by the American residents with the Act of Disabilities passed in 1990 giving many groups within the region a greater equality and also increased their rights at the workplace (Lockwood, 2005). It is also explained by (Schauber, 2001) that diversity has increased to a great extent because the labor force has undergone in an increase i.e. women, immigrants, people with different orientations, and those with underground groups or representing a less known religion, and also those from unusual families including elderly people, single parent, and also those with disabilities. Companies that usually integrate and understand these differences within their company's culture stand to obtain information about those employees and then plan such strategies that are helpful for removing this factor from their organization.

Reliability and validity

The resources used in the survey are related to the study and are both qualitative and quantitative methods. The questionnaire consist of questions which are all are somewhat related to the studies. Though further studies and analysis will be done on the major questions that are immensely linked to this studies. As the study is about the cultural diversity within the groups of organizations, therefore the reliable data should about that particular study. When the questionnaire is designed for the study, the researcher tries to put all the possible questions that would be required for the study. Now, when the data is collected the researcher then collects the most important questions from the questionnaire that is related to his studies and then analyzes the data quantitatively.

The data used in the survey is reliable because, the survey was conducted in a multinational organization and also the participants of the survey had a mean age of 44 years, i.e. they would not misinterpret the questions and also can give better answers because of their experience. Another source which can prove the reliability to much extent is that majority of the data collected was of Australian residents and also they have been living in Australia having an average of 37 years, so they know the particular culture very well which would be helpful for the accuracy in the study. To make sure that the data is reliable, the questions from the questionnaire have been reduced from 50 to only 13 questions so that we cannot deviate from the topic and the data remain valid as well.

The criteria used for eliminating the irrelevant questions are that all the questions which are related to the cultural diversity within the organizations and workgroups has been included. The questions which have least of the relevance with the topic they have been placed in the survey for quantitative analysis. The scales have been assigned using the attitudinal forced choice questions in which the options of agree or disagree are given ...
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