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A volunteer is an individual who opts for volunteerism and has to fulfill a set of activities of general interest, developed by individuals, provided they are not undertaken under an employment relationship, civil service, commercial or any other consideration and meets the following requirements:

a. Have altruism and solidarity.

b. That realization is free, without having their cause in a personal obligation or legal duty.

c. To be carried out without payment, without prejudice to the right to reimbursement of the costs of performing voluntary activity causes.

d. To be developed through private or public organizations and under specific programs or projects.

This definition highlights five characteristics: free, organized, unpaid, solidarity and social participation (

Theories of Volunteerism

People always talk about the volunteers as subjects moved by the selflessness, identifying voluntary behavior with altruistic behavior, referring to the motivational component of it. So Myers (1995) defines altruism as concern and helps others without asking for anything in return. Batson (1991) proposes to focus on the motivation of the aiding more than consequences.

However, if we analyze the various theories have emerged to explain all recognize volunteerism, with altruistic motivations, another group of more personal motivations. Coming to the conclusion that this is a phenomenon that is based entirely on motivation and it is the high level of motivation that an individual has when it comes to working for the humanity and help those in need is what makes an individual work for a cause and become a volunteer (Cohen-Callow, 2008, pp. 166). There are different schools of thought in relation to the concept of volunteerism and they define what motives behind being a volunteer considering that there are no monetary incentives involved. Various theorist believe in the fact that Unlike altruistic motivations in terms of humanitarian concerns, cultural and ecological; desire to offer help, religious beliefs, willingness to participate in collective actions there is also the desire for self-realization group membership, personal gratuities and use of leisure time. The theorist believes that altruistic motivations (desire to help, religious creed, participate in collective action, solidarity, previous personal experience, the nature of the volunteer programs) along with self motivation or linked to personal development (belonging to a group, self-gratification, use of leisure time, learning new skills).

Some schools of thought believes that there are altruistic motivations (desire to help to improve the reality, transforming society), along with expressive motivations for personal fulfillment (feeling better, use of leisure time, give meaning to life, overcoming a vacuum), as well as instrumental motivations (grow in experience, beginning in the professional world, know the reality) and experience.

- Omoto and Snyder (1993): He also believes that there are altruistic motivations (expression of values ??and concern for the community), along with knowledge as well as the personal development and self-esteem. This theorist believes that there are self-centered motives and different motivations

-Gidron (1984): This theorist believes that there are altruistic motives as well as selfish motives.

- Ortiz (1994) in which the concept of volunteering does not have ...
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