Evaluation Of Criminal Justice Authority

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Evaluation of Criminal Justice Authority

Evaluation of Criminal Justice Authority


The study is related to the evaluation of criminal justice authority. It is important and essential that the criminal justice authority should be evaluated so that the law enforcement authorities will be in control. The criminal justice authority is fair, effective and efficient system that respects the rights of both victims and suspects or criminals. This is focused on the need to prevent victimization, protect and assist victims, and deal with humanity and respect for their dignity. On the other hand, victims should have access to mechanisms that is judicial and other measures that allow them to seek redress and obtain prompt reparation for the damage. In addition to this, victims should be able to receive assistance specializing in the treatment of emotional trauma and problems of another nature, resulting from their victimization.

Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation

The criminal justice field is an ever evolving field. As today's technology changes so does the way the criminal justice field interacts with that technology. As our society changes the technology that we use will also be altered to fit the situation. The barriers that come along can affect how the criminal justice field interprets what to do next. The basis of the criminal justice system is to protect and serve the community as a whole. Keeping up with the changes in society is a vital part of our criminal justice. Within this paper there will be an examination of the barriers as it relates to females in the criminal justice field as well as minorities in particular roles and departments. Furthermore, it will evaluate the current and future trends that affect the criminal justice as designed and defined in regards to the evolution of technology and a forever changing society.

Past Trends

In the 1800's, law enforcement did not have the technology that they have today. They did not have the radio access as they do today. They done it all by word of mouth on the streets as a passerby would spread the word to the law enforcement officer. Their patrol cars were not as equipped as they are today. They did not have the 2-way radios for the communication between each unit; also the patrol cars were not fast so if anyone ran from them it was not easy to catch them (Peak, 2010). During this era citizens felt safer and had a better relationship with the police but as time went on and technology got better the relationship that was developed between police officers and citizens changed dramatically. By the mid-1900s new technology had a significant influence on policing, two-way radio, patrol cars and the telephones, revolutionized policing.

Once new technology stepped in it changed policing dramatically, police officers were removed from foot patrol and placed in patrol cars and given two-way radios and citizens were told to call police anytime they had a problem, according to Police: History-Policing Twentieth Century America” the Reform Era, (n.d.) This new wave also isolated police officers ...
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