Huaorani Of Ecuador

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Huaorani of Ecuador

Huaorani of Ecuador


The Huaorani or Waorani (also called Sabel auishiri, auca and Huao) are Amerindians living in the eastern Ecuador, northwest of the Amazon. The Huaorani groups are divided into damuintaro, quenahueno, toñampare, tihueno, zapino, tiguino, quihuaro, huamuno, quehueruno, Dayuno, Garzacocha (río Yasuni), Tagaeri, pampers (in the core of the river Cononaco), quemperi (river Cononaco), and Caruhue (river Cononaco).

For centuries, the Huaorani have protected their territory inherited indigenous and colonial enemies, although, it is now intimidated by the exploration of oil and illegal practices of land registration. It is located amid the Curaray and the Napo River, about 80 miles of Dureno in an area of approximately 30 000 km. Huaorani town has historically occupied the territory between the rivers Napo, north and south Curaray. Its habitat was the inland, in the interfluves areas, being conveniently isolated from the other regional human groups. The contact began in the late 50's, by the missionaries evangelists, led to rapid social, cultural, economic and political (Rival, 1992).



Byle Huorani Council is the assembly of all the Huaorani. In 1990, it was created as the Organization of the Huaorani Nationality of the Ecuadorian Amazon, ONHAE, and an organization to be more representative. ONHAE is a member of the CONFENIAE “Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon” and the CONAIE. The Ecuador is a republic with multiparty presidential regime, where the president is both head of state and head of government. Executive power held by the government while legislative power is shared between the government and the National Assembly.

Socio-political Organization

The customary vital unit or domestic grouping is the "nanicabo", consisting of extensive families or numerous composed of a number of six to ten families living under one roof or "longhouse" These domestic groups are self-sufficient, autonomous and are ...
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