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The paper focuses on the integration of climate change and the air quality. Air pollution is directly influenced by changes in the weather. Heat waves, for instance. Most weather changes are a result of a climate change. A continuous pattern of stagnant air results in a warmer temperature. Thus causing air pollution. Warm temperatures also cause morbidity and mortality of heat. The research department of the United States assumes that climate change also impacts the quality of air. Moreover,global warming results due to the change in the ozone and particle pollution (Bruce, pp.1078). It is the foremost duty of the local government to identify the change in the climate, evaluate their current policies and then develop programs and implement their policies to meet the health,energy,sustainability, environmental and other objectives pertaining to the economy.

Integrated approach, through programs and policies with positive gains must become an integral part of the governmental bodies and health departments , considering both energy and non-energy benefits. There must also be an integrated policy focusing on the climate change and the air quality, or else there may be risks on accidental trade-offs. The policy must cover some corrective actions against the costs incurred by the policy makers. Promotion of biomass and diesel, for instance. Integrated approach is like an agreement among two firms,jointly correcting the causes.

Recent research suggests that air pollution and the climate change must be integrated in order to achieve a sustainable development in a society. Such integrated programs result in cost savings and have important benefits to the health and the environment, for that matter. Industrialized and developing countries deal poisonous green house gases, GHGs and the abatement of air pollution. Most importantly, policies regarding air pollution need to be more focused on reducing the use of aerosols for the sake of human safety and environment. These areosols have a chilling effect on the weather, thus it can lead to an unwanted effect of hastened global warming, (Woodruff, pp.194).

The air pollution brings about global warming, which is intense. Developing further strategies for reducing or eliminating emission of the dangerous gases that cause the green house effect, are now in more focus. In most cases, this problem is resolved in three ways; politically, socially or scientifically. Conflicts between political disciplines may arise due to a joint approach of policies as the -supervisor of climate change and air quality may argue that there is no chance for improvising the policy, even for the betterment. In light of the social context, the behavior of the people is very important as it may bring hinders in the integrative policy. The two barriers discussed have a direct connection with the scientific approach. The environment and the society cannot be stable unless there are no conflicts among the political and the social aspects. Fragmented approach may not be executed successfully as observed. The integrated policies deeply relate to the change in climate.

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