It Dependence

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IT Dependence

IT Dependence

IT Dependence

Today, we are living in an age of internet and technology. Technology has revolutionized our lives and it has significantly improved the overall processes and led to reduction in processing time. However, now we are very much dependent upon Technology. We even solve short problems and calculation with the use of Computer of Calculator, which may affect our creativity and learning ability. But, it is important to understand that Technology offers more advantages than disadvantages, so it cannot be avoided and there are hardly any alternatives. We may have to rely on technology and our future lies in Technology.

IT is not helping consumers, but also helping companies worldwide. The Internet is changing the behavior of companies. This is the result of the survey "Optimizing Performance of Web-based Business Services: A global survey of business priorities," by IDC and Compuware among 474 worldwide business and IT decision-makers. The study confirms that the Internet is widely used by companies to support a growing number of important business activities. For instance, 81 percent of companies rely on the World Wide Web to support their marketing and promotional activities. Each of three quarters to use the Web for recruiting and customer support. Two thirds (65 percent), setting it on its own employees and external customers care to the Internet (Tsafack , 2008, pp. 23-25).

The growing dependence on online services is not without problems, such as individual voices from the survey document. If up to 95 percent of the business depend on the Web, it is not possible to operate without complaining about a participant. Another is concerned about the significant decline in productivity in times of power failure or lack of availability of Internet services.

Various Studies shows how the Internet has now determined almost all sectors of the economy," said BITKOM ...
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