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Part A- AMD Inc.

IT Management

Recent innovations in Information Technology regarding the computer hardware, software, and networks have greatly helped increasing productivity of people working in almost every industry. These innovations have resulted in business organizations devising new business strategies aimed at attaining and maintaining competitive advantage in their respective industry. It is the responsibility of the organization's Information Technology management to support these new ways of competing and working with new technologies in computer hardware, software and today's high speed networks (Ministry of Finance Canada, 2006). As essential with nearly all the modern business organizations, the Advance Micro Devices (AMD) Inc. is heavily reliant on information technology infrastructure and computer applications for crucial support in the areas of business operations and decision making process. Not all the organizations, however, demonstrate the same extent of dependency on information technology infrastructure and support. But as one of the leaders in high-tech semiconductor industry, offering process solutions for customers in United States, Asia, Canada and United States, regarding computing and graphic processing, the company depends heavily upon IT support in order to execute its day-to-day functions smoothly. The IT management department in AMD Inc., with the workforce of 25 personnel working under an IT manager, involves in various tasks in order to support the overall business strategies of the company. Following section provides the glimpse of roles and responsibilities of IT management department in AMD Inc.;


The information technology department periodically conducts surveys in order to assess company's hardware and software needs. The practice helps in keeping the IT infrastructure of the company aligned with modern business environment. It also aids in making procurement decisions based on the review of current industry practices and business strategies.


Procurement is one of the most important responsibilities of the IT management department which bear utmost significance in IT management life cycle. The process allows the department to place order for information system assets and relevant accessories.


The IT management and support department is also responsible for deploying new information systems that include applications, databases and patches swiftly and with the high degree of reliability which enables continuous growth and development.


Once new information system is deployed, the department ensures appropriate management of the information technology assets and infrastructure. The management of these assets requires the IT personnel working in the department demonstrate high level expertise in the areas of IT management in order to make sure the information system, applications and databases are working as desired and provide timely and effective support to these systems.

Retirement Declaration

With the passage of time and emergence of new technologies in the industry, the IT department, in light of the assessment periodically carried out and consequent deployment of new systems, declare retirement of some components of the old systems that are deemed incompatible with modern business requirements in order to boost work productivity and organizational growth.

2x2 Model

In AMD Inc. we do not follow the conventional model for judging success of failure of a system. The conventional model implies the success and failure ...
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