Leann Howe's Shell Shaker

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LeAnn Howe's Shell Shaker


Native Americans are the common name of the peoples who inhabited in America. Native Americans are Indians, Alaska and Hawaiians etc. They are the indigenous people in North America inside the boundaries of the contemporary continental United States. The Native American novel has different writing style. However, the Native Americans language comprises around fifty language classes and hundreds of distinct languages. Moreover, stories which are written, by Native American writers are powerful.


LeAnn Howe's written by the American Indian author who was entered as the citizen of Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Being an Indian author, she has demonstrated the power that was a struggle between women and men. This novel notifies the two murders involving Choctaw political leaders which connect with the Billy family appeasing. It only for Indian, the power struggling between women and men and indicates the importance of powerful women. As this story focuses on two similar deaths of powerful male chiefs and their apparent corruption, Howe discovers the motivations behind their corruption.

American Indians are unique, tragic and at the same time full of optimism. It is unique because the Indians were indigenous to the Americas and experienced all stages of its colonization by Europeans, beginning with the first colonies in the 17th century and ending with the completion of the development of the western border by the end of the 19th century.

It is tragic, because the conflict between Indians and whites is a repetition of the experience of other nations, the traditions which have come into conflict with the expanding industrialized society. This story at the same time full of optimism, because the Native Americans, although they are deprived of the 19th century most of their ancestral lands, have survived, they were able to establish themselves in their political and economic rights, they have retained their national identity and culture despite the onslaught of modern civilization (Ogunwole, Stella, 2002, Pp. 7-16).

Today, Native Americans are full-fledged United States citizens who are proud of the fact that they are Americans. However, they are no less proud of their own cultural heritage and, as it difficult in today's world, trying to protect and preserve it.

John Purdy's Model

The focus of the novel is on the importance of tradition between two generations that s 18 century and 21 century which is separated, by time and geography. Through John Purdy's Model, we will discuss the Shell Shaker in terms of the identity issues within the characters, the structure of the novel and perhaps even with Howe's own motivations. Purdy's model has 4 steps in the consideration of a Native American.


Native American novels are very differently written by the authors. Rarely mentioned in the chronicles of missionary literature of the Indians of North America has been seriously collected and studied since the early twentieth. It is a time when the Indians reduced to a few hundred thousand are kept in reserve that it is finally recognized as literature of its own and, more importantly, as a testimony (or should ...
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