Bias in the Media

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Lesson 12 Assignment Part 1: Bias in the Media

Lesson 12 Assignment Part 1: Bias in the Media


Media bias exists everywhere. There are many journalist and news agencies that largely have selection bias in the publication of their stories that they run and often the case of how these stories are approached and to whom they invite on their news programs. It is not always the case that all biased articles are related to political or business affairs. We hear many stories about car crashes, fatal fire incidents, burglaries, murders. We also then hear and read stories about opening of new school, launching a local fair, or clubbing scout meetings. Either we discuss about Canadian or American newsgroups or media agencies, the measurement standards such as completion of air time for news programs, advertising revenue, market research, and elements of newspaper article remains same (Prior, 2009).

This assignment deals with the first part of the Lesson 12 to identify and critique on two of the articles either from Canadian, American or any local or national newspaper that suspects a sufficient amount of biasness. The assessment of biasness is based on different variables. These variables includes selection and omission, placement, headline, photos, captions, camera angles, use of names and titles, statistics & crow counts, source control, choice of words, connotations, and tone. The selection of both articles from the newspaper follows the Analysis, explanation, and significance for the evidence of bias that has been noted in these articles.

The purpose of this analysis it to assemble together as many manifestation, critic, and influence of bias as possible in a single example i.e. same story presented in two different articles published in different newspapers (Puglisi & Sydner, 2011). The following two articles are critically analysis to indicate about the important sections that lead an effect or consequences on potential biases based on different criteria as discussed above. In this way, such analytical processes can also be applied to other news stories that a reader came across in daily readings (Durante & Knight, 2012).

Description of Articles

Name of the Articles

The first article to analyze for the bias reporting is U.N. Withdraws U-2 Planes. It was published on 11th March, 2003 in The New York Times.

The second article to analyze for the bias reporting is Iraq forces suspension of U.S. surveillance fights. It was published on the same day i.e. 11th March, 2003 in WASHINGTON AP.

Several Evidences of Bias

1st Analysis of Bias: Headline

It is a very common thing to assume that many readers only read between the lines i.e. only read the headlines on the news item. These readers skim and scan all the headlines that are presented in a newspaper to get idea of current state of the news on education, politics, business, entertainment, and economy (Fowdure et al., 2012). These readers summarize the information through headlines and deck i.e. sub headline to convey excitement where little exists. This also helps them to express the condemnation or approval regarding the stated ...
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