Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

Information Technology (IT) went through different phases since it was first adopted by the business world. More recently, it is evident that IT is becoming more service-orientated through the use of Cloud technologies. a) Discuss the main changes that IT went through, and the reasons behind these.

Information technology (IT) is transforming the traditional ways of doing things for people who work in public or private companies, who use a personal or professional work in any field of data to use the Internet on a daily basis to use a credit card and electronic payment of payroll and other functions. Therefore, its role in the business such as manufacturing and sales. The first generation of computers was designed to keep records and monitor the operational performance of the company, but the information was not timely because the analysis obtained on a given day actually described what had happened a week earlier. Current advances to capture and use the information when it arises, that is, the processes of the network. This has not only changed the way we work and the workplace, but also had a large impact on how companies compete.

b) Critically discuss the benefits and drawbacks of Cloud computing and how these may affect the future of IT in organizations.

Cloud computing is a concept of shifting on remote servers for data processing traditionally located on the user's workstation. The idea is to shift or transfer the treatment on an outsourced server. There is no need to install the software locally on each workstation. Each user can contribute to the improvement of data and experiences by using collaborative. This advantage facilitates knowledge management (information management and knowledge transfer) in companies. The disadvantages include connection problems. If the user does not have internet connection, or a poor connection, he can still access his workstation. The idea here is to allow work on a local application, which then synchronizes the data with the server when the user has access to the network again. The problem of data security locally therefore arises again.

Knowledge is often seen as a core component in any organisation; however it often proves rather difficult and challenging to manage. Critically discuss how organisations have used IT to better manage their internal knowledge.

The Information Technology and Communication (ICT) have transformed the way we work and manage resources. ICT is a key element in making our work more productive: streamlining communications, supporting the teamwork, managing inventories, performing financial analysis, and promoting our products on the market. Well used ICT allow companies to produce more, faster, better quality in less time. Allow us to be competitive in the market and free time for our family. Unfortunately, not all companies use ICT services and some do not use them properly. Although the use of Information Technology and Communication is a key factor in productivity, its use is not widespread among medium-sized enterprises and SMEs.

E-Business in the Internet era is often seen as a step forward in getting closer ...
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