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Management of Capital Resources

Management of Capital Resources


Uncured prenatal abuse of drugs and substances is related with chronic unfavorable outcomes of the mother and the neonate. In history, a number of barriers have not permitted pregnant mothers from looking for cure and management. The use and abuse of substances exist in all regions of the world for millennia. Historically, research has focused on the effects of alcohol and other drug use among men. Today, we know why women abusing intoxicants are different from those of men. The medical effects of substances, the consequences for the family and the therapeutic needs of women are different. We live in a society that promotes the use of alcohol and other drugs for fun, performance improvement, pain relief, celebration, and to provide a sense of well-being and membership. When consumption becomes abuse?

The American Medical Association defines abuse as "The ingestion of a psychoactive substance capable of creating a physical or psychological dependence and in an amount and at a frequency that can cause poisoning manifest problems of physical or psychological or antisocial behavior.”

In simple terms, we can say that a person is abusing a substance when it is more important to her than the problems arising from its use.


What is the cause of drug addiction among women?

Like a needlepoint combining a range of colors and son, the reasons why women abuse alcohol and other drugs are many and varied. There is no single influence that contributes to female addiction, but rather consists of a multicolored tapestry of influences interpersonal, relational and societal intertwined.

In women, the drug is often secondary to depression, poor self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness vis-à-vis its environment, social isolation or financial hardship. A high percentage of female drug addicts have suffered physical or sexual abuse during their childhood.

The combination of such a history and constant use of intoxicants makes women easy targets for violence, and it is their children who are often witnesses, if victims. Thus the tendency is transmitted from one generation to another.

For children whose one parent abusing drugs, higher risk they abuse themselves later in life or that they bind to a spouse or a spouse who is a drug addict. If the mother (always the primary caregiver in most families) who abuse, physical and emotional consequences for children are profound.

In the past, researchers evaluated the effect of the drug on the female body is mainly interested in reproductive and fetal effects. More recent studies paint a more accurate picture of the impact of substance abuse on women's health. We know, for example, that women - who are usually smaller than men - metabolize alcohol more slowly. Thus, women get drunk more easily than men in addition to having a rate of liver cirrhosis higher long term.

Several drugs, including Valium (prescribed more often women), dissolve in fat. As the fat-body mass ratio is higher among women, the body of recent takes much more time to eliminate these ...
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