Paper Production

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Paper Production

[Nam of Institute]

Paper Production

Thesis Statement

“Use of Alternate Resources instead of Natural resource for the production of the paper, is more beneficial”


Paper is a very versatile and renewable product that is usually made from wood. The modern paper industry consumes large volumes of trees that are cut for the purpose of manufacturing paper. The largest timber companies practice sustainable forestry operations that allow them to plant, grow, and then harvest trees on tree farms for the sole purpose of producing wood pulp for paper mills. They also partner with private landowners who plant trees, especially fast-growing pine trees, which when grown are cut for pulp. In the United States, large portions of the national forests are also logged for timber, a large portion of which becomes pulp (Brook, 2007, pp. 1451-1453).



Paper as a writing material is universally available today. Offices around the world use it. Places where it's used also range from a child's book bag or a college student's desk to the largest commercial or government offices in the world. Paper is used for handwritten or printed materials, which are produced by computer printers, copiers, or the printing industry, including the publishing industry (Brook, 2007, pp. 1451-1453).

History and Production According to tradition, the first to make paper, in the year 105, was Cai Lun (or Tsai-lun), a court eunuch of the Eastern Han Chinese emperor Hedi (or Ho Ti). The material used was probably mulberry bark, and paper was made from a mold of bamboo strips. The oldest surviving paper was made from rags around the year 150. For about 500 years, the art of papermaking was confined to China, in the year 610 was introduced in Japan, and about 750 in central Asia. The paper appeared in Egypt around 800, but not manufactured there until 900 (Kalipeni, 2007, pp. 658-661).

The use of paper was introduced into Europe by the Arabs, and the first paper mill was established in Spain around 1150. Over the following centuries, the technique spread to most European countries. The introduction of movable type in the mid-fifteenth century greatly cheapened printing books and was a major stimulus for the manufacture of paper (Kalipeni, 2007, pp. 658-661).

Analysis of waste associated with Paper Production

For better analysis of the waste of paper, it is necessary to know their composition. Paper and cardboard are two fibrous materials of identical composition. The term "paper" will be reserved for materials with low weight (less than 180 g/m2) (Ross-Rodgers, 2010, pp.29-31). Cellulose fiber is a major component of paper and cardboard, the main sources of cellulose fibers used in the paper industry are:

In the wood products

The paper industry draws its raw virgin wood by-products not used by the timber industry and furniture. The wood comes thus:

Small wood thinning and forest maintenance.

The crowns, that is, the tops of the trees not used for carpentry and joinery.

The byproducts of primary wood processing including edgings, chips, slabs, chips.

Recovered Paper and Paperboard

The recovered paper and board (PCR) are the raw materials the ...
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