Physics Assignment

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Physics Assignment

Physics Assignment


This assignment is aimed at finding out the mass of a small toy car, and the option that will be utilized in order to accomplish this task will be Newton's laws of motion. It will also take a look at the laws of motion. The mass of the small toy car will be deduced through the use of an experiment, for which the following materials and tools will be needed:

A toy car with unknown mass with extremely low friction wheels and very hard bumpers

A similar toy car with known mass of 1 kg with extremely low friction wheels and very hard bumpers

A table with negligible friction

Two stop watches

Two meter sticks

A digital video camera that can take 30 frames per second

Two friends who will help with the measurements

Newton's Laws of Motion

The principles of dynamics are the philosophical basis (essentially metaphysical) for mechanics, i.e. the branch of physics that studies and describes the relationship between the motion of a body and the entities that modify it. Within the logical-mathematical formalization of Newtonian mechanics they play the role of axioms. These principles are also referred to as principles of Newton, named after the scientist who proposed them. The statements that are used today are a current reformulation of those written in the Principia, which aims Newton as a misnomer. Also note that the present formulations often differ from each other in some detail which is not quite unessential. The principles of Newton joins in classical mechanics, the principle of relativity of Galileo establishing the invariance of Newton's laws under certain changes of coordinates, called Galilean transformations.

It is very important to keep in mind that the principles of dynamics are valid in inertial and for systems whose components are at speeds much lower than that of light. The principles do not apply in non-inertial reference systems. To be able to study these, too, in fact, has been necessary to introduce apparent forces, such as centrifugal force and the Coriolis force due to acceleration of the system. The classical mechanics is fully included in the special theory of relativity: both theories are valid in inertial reference systems, but the first can be considered as an approximation of the second low-speed (relative to the speed of light).

Newton's First Law or Law of Inertia

Everybody continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces applied on it. The motion is relative, that is, it depends on what the observer to describe the movement. Thus, for a passenger seated in a train and another passenger B also sitting, while for someone who is watching the train from a station platform, both the passenger A and B are moving at high speed. It takes a system which refers to movement. Newton's first law is to define a special type of reference system, known as inertial reference system, which is a system of reference from which it appears that, ...
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