Plato's Philosophy

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Plato's philosophy

Plato's philosophy


Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher from Athens, the most famous student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle. His work in the form of philosophical dialogues saved (the recoverable even some illegitimate works) and had a massive influence on ancient Greek philosophy and in general the western philosophical tradition until today (Klosko, 2006).


Platonic philosophy is dualistic, dividing the world into a physical and a virtual sphere of existence. This is done by introducing the theory of ideas, which in Plato are the eternal archetypes of sensible, material things, transcendental molds, which are perceived, only by reason and not to the senses. The significant items considered inferior, perishable materials and images of ideas, which shape. For example, each horse is shot material, or a reflection of the intangible concept "horse", which collects common, features intact and all the horses (abstract concepts like justice or beauty also have their own archetypal ideas). Plato, therefore, recognizes two different worlds, the felt, which is constantly changing and is in ceaseless flux, in Heraclitus and the imaginary world, unchanged, namely the ideas that are in place heavenly. These are the archetypes of the visible world, the eternal patterns and designs that preserve the form of the underlying material bodies. It is about a dualistic, hierarchical metaphysical system.

Plato developed a systematic teachings Pythagorism favoring like Pythagoras of mathematics, which he saw as a window into the world of ideas after dealing with intangible and immutable concepts that shape the world as a means to prepare for the Socratic dialectic. Accused of the theory of ideas reveal "the secrets of the Mysteries "which apparently was initiated. The epistemology was purely rational, and believed that only the mind can be accessed ideas and, therefore, the real, underlying nature of the world. The experience of the senses from Plato was unlikely to false, whereas the logical investigation revealed innate knowledge, insight of such transcendent ideas, which existed in latent form in the mind of the divine origin of the soul before the incarnation. Top idea considered the idea of the Good resulting from which all the others.

The Theory of Ideas and Plato's Epistemology

The theory of the Ideas answers the question about the possibility of knowledge strictly talking. This theory divides the world in two realms of reality completely different ontologically speaking which will match two different wisdoms. Types of knowledge: Science; which take care of ...
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