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Public Health

Public Health


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is comprehensive national program whose main objectives include providing nutrition education, referrals, support to mothers, food support to postpartum, breastfeeding or pregnant women with low socio-economic status, and support the infants and children up to the age of five in order to ensure good health. WIC is aimed at improving the health of infants, children, their mothers, and pregnant women (Burstein & United States, 2000).

The food provided through the WIC program fills the nutrition gap often left by the diets of low-income women and children. Research bears ample testimony to the fact that WIC has resulted in healthier pregnancies and reduced rate of premature births (Suitor & Institute of Medicine, 2011). This paper discusses different features of the WIC program while also exploring how the program has helped many pregnant women, mothers, their infants and children to enjoy a healthy life and highly nutritious food provided through the program.


As stated on the program's website, the mission of the WIC program is to protect and ensure a healthier life for economically deprived women, infants and children with ages up to five years. These people supported by the WIC program are often at the risk of poor nutrition. WIC offers these people with low socio-economic status, nutritious food and diet supplements, along with appropriate education in order to guide these people about the benefits of having a nutritious diet (Oliveira & United States, 2002). The program also includes a system of referrals to social services and healthcare organizations (Suitor & Institute of Medicine, 2011). The program is administered by United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) with availability in all the states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, 33 Indian Tribal Organizations, and American Samoa (Burstein & United States, 2000).

Difference between Public & Community Health

The major difference between Community and Public health is that Public health is concerned with the overall health of a nation/country” while Community health includes the doctors and medical professionals who work to serve the community (St. Leger, 2005). Hence, both are associated with healthcare in their own respective terms.

Public health is meant to protect the health of the nation while Community health intends to serve all the people in the community.

It is the job of the community health professional to provide a decent environment for good health whereas Public health in a broader context is meant to provide healthcare to the community.

Relationship of WIC with Public & Community Health

The major objectives of WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children) are to provide quality nutrition, food support and healthcare opportunities to pregnant women from the lower socio-economic class of the society. The other vital component of WIC is to make sure that children are raised in good health & conditions up to the age of five years.

If we associate WIC with Public and Community health, it is evident that ...
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