The East India Company

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The East India Company

The East India Company


The Economist, in the year 2011, published an article about the Company which is said to have ruled the waves, that is, the East Indian Company. This company was granted by Elizabeth I in 1600; it consisted of 218 merchants and served to be a cartel of trade to the East of the “Cape of Good Hope”. This was the time when the world changed to a great extent in the sense of trade and business and the new modern world began.


Perspective of The Economist

The Economist has transformed the East India Company from a chronological inquisitiveness to an extremely germane case study. The Economist have projected in this article on the history of the East India Company to reveal that copious individuals can be way too cynical regarding the capability of the state monopolies to stay beneficial and nourishing. The Company as the Economist presents persisted for a much greater period than majority of the private organizations exactly for the reason that it had two clienteles to opt from; flourishing from business in good times and approaching the state for aid in bad times. It reflects that it is acutely probable to depend on the state for aid and sponsorship while simultaneously staying moderately inventive and lean. However, the history of the East India Company as presented by the Economist further serves to reveal that the mercantilists can be way too sanguine regarding the capabilities of the state company to deter being tainted because of politics. The Chinese government sponsored companies which are producing such a commotion all over from the dodgiest parts of Sudan to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are at variance from their East Indian pedigree. They reject their political alliances as a sheer bagatelle. Hence, by presenting this history, the Economist ...
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