The Zapatistas (Ezln)

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The Zapatistas (EZLN)

The Zapatistas


The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) is an armed Mexican military-political organization. The inspiration of the Zapatismo policy related to the Marxism and libertarian socialism and its military structure is the guerrilla. Its aim is to subvert the socialist revolution and create a more just society that is Indianism. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) born in the Mexican state of Chiapas, under the leadership of Emiliano Zapata, who created the Southern Liberation Army in the Revolution of 1910, and composed mostly of indigenous people in defense social demands and greater justice for the underprivileged classes. They related with the revolutionary left, but without being Marxists against neo-liberalism, through a national struggle that not meant to come to power, but to forge a path that should not stop with the achievement of control, which is not an end in itself.


Profile of the Zapatistas describing the Issues

Original but fragile attempt in order to renew and combine both in words and actions, a plurality of aspirations from the story of the struggle, the revolt of the indigenous Zapatistas of southern Mexico and scope utopian remain considerable. Their actions articulated on the basis of three approaches:

The defense of collective and individual rights which historically denied by the indigenous Mexicans.

The construction of a new model that includes the nation's democracy, freedom and justice as fundamental principles of a new way of doing politics.

The fabric of a network of resistances and rebellions altermundistas on behalf of humanity and against neo-liberalism.

One of the central problems encountered in seeking to understand the controversies around the state and emancipation is that they take place at different and shifting levels of analyses (involving a range of philosophical, theoretical and political commitments about strategies and tactics) that on occasion conflated and not properly articulated and delineated.

On January 1, 1994, they reemerged as an armed movement, under the leadership of Subcomandante Marcos, an admirer of Che Guevara, who covers his face to be identified, expressing their claims in so-called declarations of the Lacandon Jungle. On that date under the slogan, democracy, freedom and justice, they seized six towns in Chiapas (located in the southern state of Mexico). The government in 1995 stated Marcos's true identity is that of a former university lecturer called Rafael Sebastian Guillen Vicente. In the First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, where the base of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) located in the mountains of southeastern Mexico, where they live underground, led to the ouster of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who accused of coming to power through electoral fraud. Publicly display their ideas, "The Mexican Wake Up" where laws enunciated, based on taxation of war to those who are worth the labor of others, for their own benefit.

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