Theoretical Perspectives On Education

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Theoretical Perspectives on Education

Theoretical Perspectives on Education

Problem Statement

In an individual's life, every day is a process of continuous growth and development in all spheres of his life and society as well. For ensuring this efficient progress, it is essential to enhance the personal traits and characteristics of a person so as to improve his personal assets. This also involves improving the person on the whole so as to make him able to tackle the various global issues that arise constantly.

In this regard, the role of education in today's world cannot be underestimated. The process of education requires an equal degree of importance, both for the individual and for the nation's development as well. Education plays a critical role in the development of a society as a social institution, preservation of the cultural heritage of humanity and to further improve the intellectual level of developing individuals.

The education system is a relatively independent system which subordinate to its own laws. The main aim of this system is to transmit from generation to generation, the various cultural and spiritual values. Soon after birth, every individual enters the education system, the first step of which is the kindergarten. This initial step teaches a child to think that this system is just a part of the big world where one has to behave in a certain way, to adapt to the norms and to grow independently as a person.

The school as a social institution provides the child with his first experience of the practical world. It attaches him to the adult world and teaches leadership in interpersonal relationships. The education system incorporates the shaping of a child to make him learn specific skills and to polish his natural potentials. The teachers in this system play a vital role as they help a child determine which path they should opt for their future. Literature review

Owing to the significance of the topic, a great deal of work is being done consistently in the field of education, to ensure that the best practices are adopted within various educational systems. Also, research is being done along with the implementation of various developmental programs which are aimed at promoting the accessibility of education, for people belonging to every sector of the society.

In a review done by Machin & McNally (2006), the influence of education on the factor of poverty reduction was analyzed. Their analysis looked into the various ways in which education and training play a significant role in the reduction of poverty on the whole. The authors concluded in their paper that there is a significant influence of the factors under consideration in promoting the growth of employment and higher wages. However, considering the increasing recession and the higher expenditure for the education sector, it becomes difficult for people from various backgrounds to avail these opportunities.

These factors on the whole makes the reduction of poverty a difficult task to be accomplished. A major reason to why families opt for other measures to seek ...
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