U.S. Relationships

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U.S. Relationships

U.S. Relationships


United State has influenced the foreign country peoples through the efforts of public diplomacy. A foreign policy is provided by this public diplomacy that complements traditional diplomacy of government-government, this diplomacy is leaded by the interaction between the practiced diplomats other than the affairs of public whose main focus is on the activities of the communication with primary intention of influencing and informing local media and the people of America, the diplomacy of US public involves efforts for direct interaction to the citizens , civil leaders and community, opinion leaders and journalists of other countries.

US Current Diplomatic Approach to Vietnam

Since 2002, interests of economy and the overlapping interests of strategy have resulted in the improved relationship between the US and Vietnam. The current diplomatic approach of US towards the Vietnam involves generating factors of the US interest like the trade growth and the flow of investment, the huge community of ethnic Vietnamese in the United States, the Vietnam War legacy, interaction improvement by means of institutions that are multilateral. The important factor of this diplomatic approach of the United States includes market opening for U.S investment and trade, democracy and human rights within a country, counter of increasing influence of china's region, cooperation just to make sure the navigational freedom around the China Sea in south and maintaining the influence in Southeast Asia.

The diplomatic policy instrument array that are employed in the relation of United State with the Vietnam involves trade restrictions and incentives, assistance of foreign policy, international organizations cooperation, pressures of diplomacy, outreach of education, and cooperation for security. Robert Gates the secretary of defense visited Vietnam in 2010 signified that concerns of strategy for china are not any more in function in the formulation of administration by United States diplomatic approach for Vietnam. Officials of obama administration consider Vietnam as new strategic partners and that they are growing with them as the rebalancing part of the priorities of United States for the Asia-Pacific.

Nuclear Diplomacy

In March 2010, a memorandum was signed between the Vietnam and the United States for understanding the concerned cooperation of civil nuclear that has been increased in many of the areas. Michael Michalak the U.S. ambassador for Vietnam said that this agreement is anticipated as stepping stone to nuclear energy bilateral cooperation which would be subjected to review of congress according to act of Atomic Energy section 123 ( kerr et.al, 2009). Nonproliferation initiatives of the United States have also been supported by Vietnam.

Relationship between U.S. and Vietnam

Human Rights in the U.S.-Vietnam Relationship

Officials of obama administration have been continuously expressing concerns through criticism of the public about the incidents of human rights. In November 2011, Hillary Clinton state secretary of obama administration made it clear to the Vietnam that for the development of strategic partnership which is the desire of both the nation; Vietnams must do much more effort for the protection and respect of the rights of the citizen (Manyin, 2012). The two countries are not prevented in improving overall ...
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