Website And Nutrition Management Of Weight Loss Or Diseases

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Website and Nutrition Management of Weight Loss or Diseases

Website and Nutrition Management of Weight Loss or Diseases


One of today's most common obsessions is with thinness. Women young and old, but more often men, they do everything to be able to lose their excess pounds. Almost all, in fact, they are happy when they see that the needle of their balance has dropped more than it should, without considering how it happened, however, which sometimes a sudden drop in body weight can be anything, but a positive instead of a signal. From the medical point of view, in fact, when the weight loss (considered as a weight reduction of 10 percent or 15 percent of ideal weight) occurs at a time too quickly and consistently, it means that something is wrong. If thinness comes in conjunction with a diet that you follow, it should not, however, justify a decline in overweight than expected (Patterson, Richard, 2001).

Where, however, without the presence of obvious causes lost over two pounds in the space of just nine or ten days and the phenomenon continue over time, you should get suspicious. In all these cases, you should contact a physician to undergo a thorough examination and, when necessary, laboratory analysis (both blood and urine) times to take a picture of the overall health and, if is the case, to investigate the activity of the thyroid gland, that if they work in excess can cause a sudden weight loss (Patterson, Richard, 2001).

In the years when the spring or the summer come suddenly with intense heat waves or with temperature changes do not indifferent, can happen to lose your appetite for some time. Nothing serious, but in this case it is better to try to stay "fresh" as possible and eating with plenty of fruits and vegetables (Patterson, Richard, 2001).

Those not willing to visit doctors to get a checkup can assess the many nutritional websites that can help them in their case. This paper would focus on the usefulness of these nutrition-based websites for helping people in losing weight or combating a weight-related disease, such as diabetes.

Thesis Statement

The internet revolution has made it possible for individuals to easily gather health related information that can help them in identifying ways and methods to reduce their weight, along with, increasing awareness regarding health related disease.


There are different websites on the internet today that help individuals to be aware of the different methods that they can use to reduce weight, as well as, websites that give information to the users regarding certain diseases that cause rapid weight reduction. By assessing these websites, users can be aware of the different diseases that cause this sudden reduction in the weight, as well as can use the methods given on the websites to deal with these diseases (Patterson, Richard, 2001). Some of the different techniques that these websites detail given below:

Causes of overweight

The causes that can lead to overweight are four:

Poor diet combined with lack of exercise

Problems of stress, anxiety, depression and other psychological factors

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