Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence


The artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, which is considered as natural phenomena that is associated with the artificial analogy through computer programs. Through artificial intelligence expert systems have been developed that can mimic human mental capacity and associated rules of syntax on the basis of programming, and then make judgments about a problem whose solution is descried faster than humans. In medicine it is very useful for matching 85% of diagnosed cases.

Thesis Statement

Artificial Intelligence provides much better result than human Intelligence.


This is the science which has fascinated researchers but also philosophers, writers and filmmakers. In this paper we first discuss the theoretical aspects of artificial intelligence to better define its exact scope and methods of design. Then we will study the many cases of application and finally to talk about the ethical and technical challenges posed by the AI to see that its evolution may be. For thousands of years, man has tried to understand the process of thinking. Experts working in the field of artificial intelligence are trying to understand the nature of intelligence and also trying to create intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the most modern areas of science. The first work in the area of AI began shortly after World War II, and its name was proposed in 1956. Scientists of other specialties often indicate artificial intelligence, along with molecular biology as an area in which they most wanted to work. Physics students justifiably believe that all great discoveries in their field have already been made by Galileo, Newton, Einstein and other scientists but Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, still offers opportunities for the manifestation of multiple talents of these scientists.

Currently the subject of artificial intelligence is covering a big list of scientific fields, ranging from such common tasks as learning and perception, and ending with tasks as playing chess, solving mathematical theorems, writing poetry and diagnosis of diseases. In artificial intelligence there are issues of automated systematized intellectual challenges and therefore artificial intelligence is a truly universal scientific field.

The general definition of artificial intelligence 

From the above discussion, we can say that artificial intelligence is a very interesting field of science. However, there is still a need of direction in this area, and still a lot of research needs to be performed on this topic.  The table below shows the definition of artificial intelligence, these definitions have been taken from eight different research papers, and these definitions can be classified into two main categories. Roughly speaking, the formulations are listed in the top of the table relate to the thought processes and methods of reasoning, and in the bottom of the table are statements relating to the conduct. (Boden, 2001)

In the definitions on the left, success is measured in terms of reliable playback abilities, and the wording to the right, that characterizes the final achievement in the field of interpretation of the ideal concept of intelligence, which prefer to call rationality. The system is rational if it's all actions are performed correctly, provided ...
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