Communication And The Human Condition

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Communication and the Human Condition

Communication problem and new form of communication

Better communication with people at all levels enables it to recognize the most important problems and find common ground for common action, and creates a climate of ownership and participation to implement its decisions. Communication is also essential to improve coordination and teamwork to manage development programs and get institutional support. We live in an age of communication and, we are beginning to see its impact on development.

Communication can be critically important to promote human development in the new climate of social change today. As the world moves towards decentralization, market economy and greater democracy, improve conditions for people to begin to chart its own path to change. It is necessary to increase their awareness, participation and knowledge and technologies related to communication are essential for this task, but often underutilized. You need to take measures to promote effective planning and implementation of communication programs (Pearce 1989, 120).

In the field of development have been major changes, societies are open to debate and markets private initiative will encourage privatization and entrepreneurship, new technologies are increasingly available, management of public services gradually approaches the users, when you leave directly in their hands, in order to reduce costs and seek partners interested in obtaining effective results. In fact, a multitude of structural adjustment profoundly changed many areas of production and demands involve a direct social and economic impact on the population.

If development can be considered the tissue resulting from the activities of millions of people, communication is the thread that made the plot. First, at any time of social change communication arises spontaneously in the form of dialogue and debate. In recent times, increased freedom of expression and changes in global political structure has been almost simultaneous. Moreover, communication as deliberate intervention to influence the economic and social change is offered the most interesting possibilities. A development strategy based on communication and traditional wisdom can reveal implicit attitudes of the population, helping it to adapt their views and acquire skills, and spread new social messages to a wider audience. The intended use of the techniques, activities and media, gives people a valuable tool both to experience a change to guidance. An intense exchange of ideas among all sectors of society can lead to great public participation in a common cause, a fundamental requirement for sustainable development (Pearce 1972, 318).

Recommended solution

In practice, for effective planning must strive to determine what people want and can do, and continue to do so sustainably. To find out, communication skills go far beyond simple survey based on questions and answers. A serious debate, organized by an expert in interpersonal communication skills, and use interactive audio-visual tools such as video or radio, can help the community to identify their real problems and priorities and their abilities and needs. This self-analysis allows the community to formulate realistic proposals and make a huge interest in the success of these initiatives. The opinions of the rural population also allow guide and guide future ...
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