Contemporary Urban Issues

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Contemporary Urban Issues

Contemporary Urban Issues


The contemporary urban issues refer to the problems that are faced by the Urban society. In the present situations, the urban societies face various issues which cause many difficulties for the people of the urban society. There are a number of contemporary issues that are faced by the urban society which should for which corrective actions should be taken to make life easy for the people residing in the urban societies. There are some categories which involve the significant issues that affect the urban society. These categories include demographics, economy, public relations, education, housing, arts and culture, geographic boundaries, environment and energy, zoning and land use, transportation, safety, transportation and technology. These categories further involve some issues that affect the urban society. In this paper, two most significant categories will be selected and then two contemporary issues will be further discussed.


The urban society faces some of its most significant contemporary issues in the category of demographics. Demographics involve managing the people from different cultures and backgrounds. In an urban society, people from different cultures and backgrounds reside, so it becomes very important to value the beliefs and interests of everyone. The most significant issues that are experienced by the urban societies in coping with the demographics challenges are discussed as follows.

Foreign Language Households and Linguistic Isolation

This is basically an issue of the different languages spoken by people in the urban society. It is important to take some measures by the urban society to resolve the language issues that exist in the urban society. The basic issues that are involved in the category of foreign language households and linguistic isolation are mentioned as follows.

Language other than English is Spoken

This is a prominent issue in the urban society that various issues are spoken by people in the Urban Society. About 7% of the people speak Spanish, 2.7% speak Portuguese, 2.4% speak French and 2.5% speak Chinese. The foreign households contribute a major share of the urban society. There are relatively less people belonging to the English households. In addition to this, the number of non-English residents is continuously increasing. It has been observed after the year 2000 that around two third of the people speak more foreign languages. These foreign languages include Italian, French, Russian, Portuguese, Greek and many others. The various languages that are spoken in the urban societies become a significant issue in ...
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