Domestic Violence & Children

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Domestic Violence & Children

The Psychosocial Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Introduction to the problem

Domestic Violence means abuse perpetrated by one romantic partner (or ex-partner) against another. Children are the as the 'forgotten victims' of Domestic Abuse (Humphreys, 2009). Due to his own need of self-worth the offensive colleague feels the requirement to command all those who he considers himself superior. In a family, this encompasses the children. These parents are more likely to neglect or abuse their children, as is the perpetrator. Therefore, in addition to witnessing violence, children in homes with domestic violence are at higher risk of other forms of child maltreatment.

Children who witness domestic violence exhibit increased overt behaviors, such as physical aggression, criminal behavior, as well as, covert behaviors including withdrawal, impaired mental health, and lower self-esteem. The greatest concern has been a particular externalizing behavior that reflects itself as they involve themselves in domestic violence as an adult, which is often referred to as the intergenerational transmission of violence or as a cycle of violence. Children who were raised in a home with domestic violence are more likely to be involved in domestic violence as an adult, as either a perpetrator or a victim.

The impact of domestic violence on children

Domestic violence always affects the children one way or another. The consequences are dependent upon many factors, such as the level of development of the child, the duration and nature of the subordination of violence (Chan & Yeung, 2009).

Recurring instances of family violence can lead to post-traumatic stress reactions in a child, and symptoms can be divided into three groups:

Repeated behavior after the traumatic event

Memories of certain unpleasant events may unintentionally appear in memory of a child. Alternatively, a child may be obsessed with playing certain games and dreaming of recurring nightmares. A child may have physical symptoms such as abdominal pain and headache.

The Desire to Forget Bad Instances

A child may subconsciously try to forget details of a violent situation. He does not want to share his past or talk about what happened.

Increased Activity

The child is restless and finds it difficult to concentrate. He gets angry very easily and fears everything. Children who are constantly tense also suffer wakefulness and an inability to sleep.

In Children of small children the trauma manifests itself in the form of anxiety, apathy, slow development, as well as, sleep disorders and nutrition. In adolescence, the behavior of the ...
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