Employee Training And Development

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Employee Training and Development


Successful organizations increase productivity, efficiency and reach their goals by developing their most important resource, its employees. Training is a primary function of human resources management that develops employees by giving them the required tools and knowledge to meet future challenges. To meet the organizational objectives the needs to develop and retain employees capable of completing their mission (Wood et al, 2004). An organizations training needs continually change as technology upgrades expand the roles and responsibilities of an individual employee (Wilson, pp. 384-390). Changes to the training program are constantly evolving to meet the demand for increased employee skills. The first step to developing a training program is to identify the training needs of the organization so that a program can be designed and implemented to meet those needs.


Objectives are very important and they should be structurally established before training because they provide a means to clearly communicate and identify what we want to achieve and how we might go about it; secondly, they aid in determining what objectives are more critical and effective than others; finally they open doors to alternative problem solving approaches. However, the objectives are not specifically and structurally established for either short-term or long-term planning of the restaurant. Basically their training objectives are quiet simple that are only emphasize on training employees to achieve the requirement, such as sales revenues, quality of services, and quantity of services (Stonehouse, pp 131-144).

Needs Assessment

With new equipment and resources added into the growing plant, training has become a large concern and changing entity. Each branch of the organization has added new airplanes, ground equipment, weapons, procedures, and Rules of Engagement (ROE) along with many other items that require proper training and evaluation techniques. With decreasing monetary allowances and increasing necessities, the organization must ensure that all equipment is properly maintained by ensuring that every individual who uses this equipment has received the maximum training effectiveness that he or she deserves (Stone, pp 34-278).


The design of organization training programs is based upon three major portions; On the Job training (OJT), Computer Based Training (CBT), and classroom training. Each phase of the training process is developed to ensure that every member receiving the training becomes fully qualified and understands each area of the task at hand (Loan-Clarke, pp 296-310). Technical Orders are maintained and updated on a quarterly basis to ensure that the training being offered is current and all expectations are being met. With the days of computers at hand many training records are being transferred from hand written documentation to computer based recording systems. These computer based services alert members and supervision on deadlines and training refresher dates without the hassle of mass reviews on a monthly basis. The design and implementation of a well balanced training and development system will allow each member with the opportunity to stay qualified and ready for all tasks that may come his or her way (Kraiger, pp 337-351).

The development of an employee is also managed by ...
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