How God And Science Created Light In This World

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How God and Science Created Light in this World


One symbol used of God in the Bible is that he is “light” and that his word sheds light to the world. Then equivalently, the lack of God in one's life is equivalent to being in darkness. In 1 John 1:5 it says that in God there is no darkness at all. This suggests that in the symbol, among the world we can expect to see a mixture of light and dark, and that mixing can give a false sense of security to society as a whole (Ganssle, 45).

On the First Day of creation week, having brought into existence space, time and matter, the second creative act of God was (I believe) the creation of light. Light was spoken into existence by the Second Person of the godhead, Jesus, the Logos or Word of God: And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light.

Discussion and Analysis

On the First Day of creation week, having brought into existence space, time and matter, the second creative act of God was (I believe) the creation of light. Light was spoken into existence by the Second Person of the godhead, Jesus, the Logos or Word of God:

And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light.

Scholars think of this second event in God's work of creating everything as the making of a vast energy source. The Lord then incorporated potential and kinetic energy reservoirs in many forms into His universe as He constructed things during the six days of creation. These energy endowments would allow the universe to function indefinitely with built-in power supplies.

The statement "Let there be light" may mean (in my opinion) "Let there be energy of all wavelengths and in all forms." Experts believe it was from these four working substances created on Day One-(1) space, (2) time, (3) matter and (4) energy-that God constructed (and filled) the universe we live in.2In His work as Creator, the Son of God was the "master craftsman" of Proverbs 8.

The activity of creation week involved many separate actions by all the Persons of the godhead, as can be seen by the numerous action verbs in Chapter One which refer to God. Many good people will probably not agree with the opinion and interpretation of the opening verses of Genesis - so I won't be dogmatic about the model I have just suggested. Dozens of books and hundreds of scholarly theological papers have disputed exactly how to interpret these opening verses of Holy Writ and I don't claim to have the final word by any means. The important point is that light, as we know it and understand it in the physical world, was created by God on the First Day of creation.

The Bible says that "God is Light" and this is not the same as saying "Light is God." If we claimed that the Light shining forth on Day One of creation week was simply God Himself we would have major problems - because ...
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