Human Resource In Health Care

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Human Resource in Health Care


Clearly understand that it involves human resources, development of human and human resource development field. Health is the essential first step for formulate and implement development policies. This triple combination leads us to clarify certain sociological issues, technical, ethical and socio- instrumental, both in the socio- individual worker and staff in collective and structural organizations health providers.

Undoubtedly need to demarcate the theories classical management, management traditional concepts of human resources like resemblance to other resources, such as financial, technological, and other materials types. Also have to recognize persistence model organizational "Weberian" bureaucracy and hierarchy, in institutions providing healthcare services and organization and management of work with emphasis "Taylorist" structural aspects, which continue to shape and conditioning social relations in the world of work health (Bruce, 50-187). In this presentation I will privilege discussion on the development of human resources in health care several levels: at the institutional level, that human capital its determinants a major structural and functional, to the light of some data and studies done. Also, some considerations for personas national level, from the level of people a as social subjects, some reflections, theories from the field and allow us to understand the intentions capital and values that create the symbolic capital social actors and professions, which establishes the conflict (in the sense not but to forces dispute) in the field of healthcare.

It is even rarer to find references or reports of experiences that are referred to human resources planning. This should not draw attention, considering that the issues or problems of healthcare human resources have not found a prominent place in the strategic agendas and in the course of decision makers in the reforms. And it has been this way as has happened in the last ten years of reforms. Although it seems that now, in many countries, the situation of neglect of this important topic tends to change as an imperative over the stubborn reality.


My Plan of Human Resources for Healthcare in the institutional field is inserted in a context of sub regional integration in health, convened by the Andean Health Body. My Plan refers to a set of actions to address common problems of the healthcare of the sub region, with interventions that do not repeat or replace national actions and that aim to seek collective development under the Regional Goals for Human Resources (Bruce, 50-187). From the perspective of implementation, the Plan accepts and endorses the recommendation to form a specialized Technical Committee on issues of Rhus, the ORAS-CONHU, to support the decisions of the Ministers of Health and direct supervision, monitoring progress and evaluation of activities in the medium and long term.


My Plan for the Development of Human Resources for Healthcare, pursuant to the principles and purposes of the integration in health, which sponsors the ORAS-CONHU and PAHO / WHO will promote, the creation of spaces analysis of the weaknesses and constraints existing in the area of Personal Health and lead, at ...
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