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The rise of nationalism on the one hand, emancipation on the other, led to trends of Jewish integration into the surrounding society, and trends opposite of rejection and growth of modern anti-Semitism. Realization of emancipation and attempts to integrate were not dependent on government granted emancipation, or if integration of the Jews only, but primarily Western European society that should have gotten the Jews within its borders. Although the government granted legal emancipation for Jews, but the people of European society has refused to accept the equal rights of Jews to integrate them into society and the state.

Economy and society

Emancipation in Western Europe and opened to the Jews new economic options. It allowed many Jews to emigrate from the backwardness in Eastern Europe, which was likely to develop low, the developed Western countries. Urbanization process possible, across from the village to the city, the Jews were able to acquire an academic education professionals, take part in modern commerce and banking, industry and professions, like journalism and arts, and state leadership positions. Proportion of Jews in certain professions like medicine, journalism and lawyers, was a particular, well beyond their weight in the population. Thus began the Jewish bourgeoisie of growing global bourgeoisie. Progress was rapid, and the number of Jews who took part in was large relative to their numbers in the population. Examples of economic success in the banking industry are the Mendelssohn of Germany, was among the richest banking families in Germany, and status of the Rothschild family. An example of economic success in the industry is Emil Bartana, who was the founder of AEG plants (Poliakov, pp. 87-115).

Military and political systems

Emancipation enabled the Jews in Western and Central Europe to integrate politics and Parliament. There were even served kosher in France and England. For example, Isaac Adolphe Cremieux, on the side of being an assimilated Jew, kept his loyalty to the Jewish community and fought for its rights. Cremieux was elected by 1842, and became one of the most prominent spokesmen of the opposition in France. In later years he also was elected as justice minister and served as a senator all his life. This integration of France's political life did not prevent him from defending the rights of Jews in France. Minister of Justice, he worked also for the Jews of Algeria was under French protection. He signed an order granting all Algerian Jews French citizenship ("Order Cremieux"). Were also integrated into the army and climbed gradually through the ranks like Alfred Dreyfus, who promoted to captain the French intelligence (SICSA, pp. 210-45).

Effects of the integration of Jewish society:

Among the Jewish people created a deep rift between those who sought to keep Jewish uniqueness, tradition and the Jewish religion, thought that emancipation fight in every possible way, and those who made ??every effort to expedite the integration process, sought to assimilate economically and culturally.

Integration process resulted in the loss of many of the Jewish people in mixed marriages and changed their way of life in complete denial of Jewish origin to their heritage.

Many have acquired education and a profession, and integrated into modern professions characterized not only more Jews.

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