Job Task Analysis

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Job Task Analysis

Job Task Analysis


In describing job task analysis, managers are required to make a decision about the requirements and needs of the employees before they are exposed to training. It comes under the major tasks and responsibilities of human resource management in which they HR personnel are the persons to recruit, select and train an individual. The basis for thriving training and development come out to be as an outcome of critical analysis. In order to find out the tasks which are required to be undertaken and the performance standards which a manager is required to carry out or task analysis (Autor, 2003). The ultimate aim of conducting an analysis of job/task is to deliver a perfect individual who is properly trained.


The job analysis is the process that delivers the significant tools for instance; standards of job performance, list of tasks and duties and job breakdowns. However, the list of job description and duties reveals the particular duties that are required to be done by an employee.

Job Descriptions for an Entry Level Job in Customer Service Call Center

A customer service representative working in a call center is considered to be an individual who serves as a direct point of encounter for the customers calling in. He/she is required to contact with the customers in order to offer them information in anticipation to inquiries about the product and services of the company along with the solution of the issues coming in front of the customers and answering their queries. Customer complaints may be consisting of routine questions or a request that is why a customer service representative needs to make and maintain follow ups of an individual customer till the issues of the customers are resolved or the queries are responded. Following is the job description for an entry level customer service call center;

A person who is able to support customer

Required to delight customer, away from the call of duty

Excellent communication skill, both in writing and speaking

Empathetic behavior towards customers

Understand well the needs to the customers

Multi-tasking in terms of handling both the interest of the company and the customer at the same time

Proficient in working with accuracy and handling customer's complaints

Sufficient knowledge of using automated information systems in order to understand and analyze the situation of the customer.

Efficient in working for bringing in improvements in the means of communication of the company

Pleasant personality with friendly style

Able to retain ...
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