Language Assessment

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Language Assessment

Language Assessment


The primary aim of this study is to focus on labov's theory and in this study I will discuss how Dianne Sawyer interviewing Rihanna and Whitney Housten using her language skills. It is basically a language study, where continual engagement with the dialogues as it was delivered gains entrance to the perspective of the Rihanna and Whitney Housten and Dianne Sawyer, tracing the transfer of information and experience in a way that deepens Dianne Sawyer's own understandings of what language and social life are all about.

Narrative Theory

William Labov proposed a theory of narrative, which we call the Labov theory of narrative structure, although our version includes improvements due to Linde. The structural aspects of this theory can be formalized as a grammar, the instances of which correspond to the legal structures for narratives. Labov (1966) stated that brief narrative has been proven to be paradigmatic in the ability to transfer experience from narrator to the audience (Labov, 1966). The reader is invited to commit these few lines to memory, and re-tell the story to an individual or group of others.

In narrative, an important distinction between actions and quotations is that the actions frequently overlap, while quotations rarely do so. The rule that Susan talks at a time is never flouted in personal narrative. One feature of oral narratives of personal experience that distinguishes them most sharply from literary narrative is that in literature, one can switch viewpoints, take an impersonal viewpoint, and enter into the consciousness of any or all of the actors. In oral narratives of personal experience, there is only one option. The events are seen through the eyes of the narrator. (Le Page and Tabouret-Keller, 1985)

Dianne Sawyer's Interview

When Dianne Sawyer conducted an interview from Rihanna and Whitney Housten then she came to know that language plays a very important role in explaining ideas and give suggestions to others. Dianne Sawyer's view applies consistently to all the narrative and free clauses in the narrative. It applies to all of the clauses of the narrative, which are consistently an account of events as they become known to Rihanna and Whitney Housten. The personal experience narrative of Dianne Sawyer appears to be self explanatory. Rihanna and Whitney Housten have experiences in the world, and living in relationship with other females, they sometimes find it useful or meaningful to communicate these experiences to other females through narratives. This ability of narrative to embody experience is central to its essence. The first part of Labov's classic definition of narrative centrally implicates this ability: "narrative will be considered as one technique for recapitulating experience, in particular, a technique of constructing narrative units which match the temporal sequence of that experience" (Labov 1972 :359-360). Few people would disagree with these statements. Yet their simplicity belies an underlying complexity. Scholarly interest in this complexity has generated a wealth of interpretive strategies to discern the meaning and function of personal narratives for both the teller and listener.

Dianne Sawyer asked a simple question from ...
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