Literature Review

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Literature Review

Literature Review

Literature Review on how cognitive psychology can contribute to the understanding of reliability of eyewitness testimony.

Witnesses are often invited to identify or drawing sketch of the perpetrator, and therefore in the investigation attaches great importance to memory for faces. In general, people have a good memory for faces; swarm accuracy remains high even after a long period. Nevertheless, this reported cases of serious errors. The accuracy of remembering faces may decrease under the influence of a number of factors, including such as shortness of perception and a long period between the perception and the subsequent identification. In addition, we show people with much more memorable faces of the people belonging to the same race as he, compared to those people who belong to other races.

It should be added that the subjects are good at remembering that a person familiar to them, but much worse remember why it is familiar to them. After several days they were shown pictures of people, to-rye was allegedly members of the event (Migueles & García-Bajos, 1999). In fact, the photographs were captured are not the people to-rye did participate in the event. After another several days, the subjects line up four people. In addition, asked to identify those they saw at the time of observation of the event. Subjects often pointed to those they have seen in the pictures (i.e., subjects correctly remembered that these people they are familiar with, but erroneously attributed to become familiar with the initial event). This experiment illustrates the potential bias of identification under the influence of viewing photos. With to-eye meeting in certain circumstances, mistakenly remembered as a person. Such confusion is often called unconscious transference. In the cases the subject's remember correctly, that the person is familiar to them, the error occurs when they bind a familiarity with specific episode that took place earlier.

To prepare witnesses, you can use several strategies and techniques that improve the memory for faces. People remember a person in a better way if their placing objects thoroughly working a visually inform. Perhaps this is because in such attentive observation people see many different features and facial expressions. Thus best remembering faces is achieved when placing objects with his people draws attention to the many others versatile features of the face. Validation of memory often make people identify with the witness should select from a group of people concerned, they saw in the original event. Factors affecting the accuracy of the witness identification were investigated in the plural devoted to finding ways to determine the reliability of an identification parade. It appears that the identification obtained by identifying the living or in recognition for video, equally accurate; in addition, if the offender tried to disguise or change the appearance, it has little effect on the probability of correct identification. However, there is a probability of incorrect identification of an innocent person. Suspected of committing a crime increases if the suspect's clothing, similar to the one in a swarm witness saw the true ...
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