Medicine And Health

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Medicine and Health


It is often recognized that the primary role of nursing is to plan, organize, direct and control financial resources, human and material with the intent to effectively fulfill the goals of the institution. This role in emergency department become more important and need more attention when dealing with respiration problems, because statistics shows the high rate of mortality due to respiratory problems and diseases in clinical practices. The nurse who performs the role of manager should guide their activities from the knowledge that provides administrative sciences, economics and politics. The theories and principles of these disciplines are necessary for the administrative practice of nursing care. However, the nurse in charge of management should consider the values, attitudes and knowledge of the discipline that give a different care management. So it should have a comprehensive leadership that encourages internal users (nurses) to improve care. This paper emphasizes the clinical practices of respiratory nursing, problems faced by clinical staff and healthcare practitioners, and other aspects of the clinical problems in respiratory nursing (Francis, 2006, p.1-248).

Respiratory Nursing


Respiration is the set of physiological procedures that permit you to make utilization of O2 at the cellular stage. In this viewpoint, breathing engages not just the respiratory arrangement itself, but the respiratory muscles as well, the peripheral and central nervous systems that manage airing, the system of cardiovascular and blood, which bring O2 to the cells from the lungs, as well as the systems of enzyme, which permit the, utilization of O2 at the level of cellular system (Esmond, 2001). If the respiration system does not work properly, people might have a respiratory disease. Respiration diseases are those which contain an outcome on the air passageway, which comprises the channels of nasal passage, bronchi and lungs. They differ as of strong diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, and chronic circumstances like asthma and chronic pulmonary disruptive disease (Francis, 2006, p.1-248).

Vigorous attacks of asthma are generally handled with a bronchodilator which is normally work for short period of time, like albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil), which unlocks the air passages by calming the soft muscles near the bronchial tubes. In more scathing attacks, these medications may be supplemented with corticosteroids such as prednisolone or prednisone, in an inhaled or oral form, to reduce the inflammation that is part of asthma attacks (see anti-inflammatory drugs). Since it obtains minimum ¼ day to effect for corticosteroids even if breathe in, healthcare professionals use bronchodilators to give instant aid of symptoms (Asthma Society, 1997, pp.56-89). This essay gives an in-depth analysis of asthma nursing care. The aim of this paper is to review the current concepts and treatment of respiratory patients within emergency respiratory settings. Furthermore, the paper presents some of the key nursing contributions and emerging issues, like relation of pollution and asthma, which may influence care in the asthma areas for patients (Francis, 2006, p.1-248). The report is written from the perspective of respiratory nursing care in an emergency department of hospital.

Literature Review

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