Nonverbal Communication

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Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Question Number One

On page 341, the author describes five functions of gazing. List and describe each, and then provide an example of each as you have experienced it in your interpersonal relations

The author has mentioned five functions of gazing. These functions are surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness, and sadness. Surprise is marked by raised eyebrows that are curved, the upper lid is opened, and the lower lid is drawn down. The white part of the eye is viewable as it surrounds the iris. Fear is marked by drawn and raised eyebrows. The sclera and lower eyelid are drawn up, and they are tensed. Disgust is marked by lids that are pushed up. The eyebrows are lowered, and it also draws the upper lids downwards. The anger is delineated by drawing together and lowering of eyebrows. There is a vertical line between them. Happiness is depicted in the lower part of the face, and it lowers the eye lids. There are wrinkles in the lower eyelids, which are not tensed. Sadness is represented by the drawing up movement of the eyebrows and inner corners. The inner corner of the upper eyelid is raised (Knapp & Hall, 2010).

The example of surprise occurs when someone see unusual things that he do not normally expect to appear. Fear can be can be portrayed by scenarios in which a person is about to get the results of a medical report that will diagnose his terminal illness. The instance of disgust includes seeing a death body that is almost burnt. The example of happiness includes a situation in which a person gets a job at a decent place. The anger can be seen in a situation, where a boss sees his employee doing an unethical practice. The instance of sadness includes a situation in which a person is fired from his job.

Question Number Two

What are vocal cues? Describe the many ways in which vocal cues are employed

Vocal cues are the form of communication that does not uses the words and languages to communication, but instead of this it uses inflection or sound. The purpose of the vocal cues is to get the attention of someone. Other purposes of it are the sending of messages for love appreciation, and sometimes they are used to warn someone (Grinder, 1997).

There is a multitude of ways in which the vocal cues can be employed. ...
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