Personal And Professional Development' In Health And Social Care

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Personal and Professional Development' in Health and Social Care

Personal and Professional Development' in Health and Social Care

Task 1a (P4): Action Plan

Personal Vision

“Aim for the Moon, even if you fail, you will land among stars”, this quote portrays my personal vision is to hold a permanent leadership position in nursing. The purpose of having such vision is to satisfy my own needs as well as my family desires and demands in this journey of life.

Professional Vision

The world is changing at a rapid pace; the health and social care environment is in a mode of radical transformation. With the increase in inherent uncertainties, the hope of attaining long term objectives has faded. That is the reason why I have focused on articulating action plans that will help me to achieve my long-term, mid-term and short term career goals.

One of the vital goals of my health and social care career is to hold a respectable nursing position in a well repudiated healthcare institution. The impact of nurses on health care and the care of elderly and their families is wide-reaching. Nurses coordinate and provide care in nearly every aspect of the health care arena, and the impact that the nurse has on the elderly is immense. Some examples of nurse-elderly interaction include inpatient hospital care, nursing homes, outpatient primary care clinics, specialty practice, schools, prisons, homeless shelters, public health, and home health care. My secondary, career goal is to be capable enough to anticipate and exploit the opportunities to flourish my nursing skills, even in an uncertain environment.

Strategy & Goals


Traditionally, promotion to a formal nursing position involved being recognized for clinical expertise rather than educational credentials, leadership abilities, or management skills. However, in the current context of nursing, a general consensus exists that nurse need more than clinical expertise to function effectively in their roles. Competencies with nursing care of the elderly increase as nurses gain more education and experience, therefore after 18 months from now, my goal is to successfully complete my education, along with some relevant experience in the field elderly care.


After 6 months from now, my short term goal is to strengthen my position in elderly day centre by creating positive relationships and developing affirmative leadership styles accordingly. These positive characteristics are crucial to the retention of my nursing career.

Skills Need


To have analytical skills in order to be capable enough to anticipate and exploit the opportunities in healthcare setting

To have Problem solving skills to resolve academic as well as professional, issues and challenges.


Develop team building abilities

Develop my social skills and communication skills (interact with patients and other colleagues, sharing ideas, encouraging others)

Action Plan

To reach Long-term goals

In order to reach my long term goals, I will concentrate to achieve my short-term goals with precise accuracy

To reach Short-Term goals

In order to achieve my short-term goals, I would focus on investing more time in elderly care centre. With this, I would get some more time to interact with elderly patients, solve their queries, help them to reduce the impact of particular ...
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