Task Analysis

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Special Education Task Analysis

Special Education Task Analysis


The aim of this study was to measure? through naturalistic observation procedures? the use of time for students with disabilities in four special education alternatives --- regular classroom? resource room and special school special. The sample included 230 school-age students in 58 classrooms in 16 schools. (Campbell? 1987) ANOVA comparisons revealed that less restrictive alternatives? including the resource room? a classroom learning time.


Research on student learning time on task is mainly focused on the normal and regular education students. In general? the data indicate that students are distributed 50% to 60% of the school day to be in the learning tasks that students are on a mission about 40% of the school day. Research data on the use of learning time for students with disabilities is limited compared to that available in education. (Thelen? 1986) In fact? no research was found that the investigation of learning time in the program of special education services (ie? classroom? bedroom? classroom? school and day).

Comparisons between instructional time regular education and special education

The investigation has been carried out indicate that disabled students receive more instructional time in the regular classroom and the amount of time is remarkably low in the resource room. This difference in instructional time is always advisable to encourage the regular classroom? often while the ratio of 3:1 of the Board of Appeal. (Rinne? 1984) Resource teachers receive the amount of instructional time was significantly lower than the real-time learning. (Thelen? 1986)

The basic model

The basic model was to compare the four solutions for education on the uses of different types of class and outside of class time: regular classroom? hall? classroom? and school. Key dependent variables were the time of the class? the hours and working time. To increase the "ns" for the various alternatives? and the generalization of the results? students from three school systems and two schools in the same geographic region. A total of 58 classes in 16 elementary schools participated. For each alternative education? the classrooms were observed in two different contexts (school and / or independent schools). The comparability of the students receiving the same solutions for education in different contexts was examined using two-way (provided handicap system x) chi-square analysis for each of the four programs. (Rinne? 1984)


In the case of classes and rooms? the distribution of conditions of disability is very similar in all settings (both ps> .05). Conditions of disability in the regular classroom sample is divided almost equally between the slight delay (46%) and LD 54%) while in the resource room for all the sample consisted of approximately two thirds (69%)? slightly delayed and third (3 1%) LD. (Rinne? 1984)

For special classes and curricula? however? there were significant differences between the conditions of disability in the contexts (both ps <.001). Special classes in a compound for almost all students? 95% ED)? moderately delayed the remainder (5%). In another context? a majority of 59% is moderately delayed? with 34% and 7% ED ...
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